The official Australian Government website for immigration is
thank you.
thanks again, i have been on the australian immigration web site, and applied to for a invitation to a works expedition,in London in march. So im now goin to wait and see if i get invited and take it from there,has anyone else been to these events? any advice on this topic is welcome thanks.
I have just registerd on the expats websites,looks good many thanks.
hi,just been reading your thread.we (me,h2b and son) had decided the same thing..had enough here and wanted to find out more about h2b went on a website and filled in some information...basically about our types of jobs etc. from the info we gave we were provisionally accepetd to move to adelaide...just like that,couldnt believe it!!!! we had a phone call from a lady from the australian embassy in london...kind of a courtesy call really which was nice.ther is alot to take in...about the different visas etc . we have put it on the back burner for the minute as we are getting married soon but it is definately in the pipe line for us. i will check with my h2b and find out the website he went on and let you know what it is...although it was a while since your initialpost so you might of made progress, sue.
hello,january feels like years ago!! my wife and i seriously loked into emigrating to oz!! i went to the oz expo in australia house in march, and everything sounded very positive, i spoke to agents who basically said i would be able to emigrate and there would be no problems being a bricklayer. The problem now is the money it cost to move, The building industry is this country has grinded to a halt the chances of me saving any money and selling my house are very slim so im gonna have to put the idea on hold!! and carry on dreaming!! have you tried a website called poms in oz its great for gathering information. good luck for the future.
hi again, yeah...i know what you mean about the expense. we have found out through various websites that with our visas...we would have to support ourselves when we get there which is fine as we are both workers...always have been and obviously dont mind paying our own way.the things is...apparantly you have to be able to do this for 2 years...even if you havnt got a job when you get h2b woulnt have a problem with this as he works for mod but i am in retail and not sure what kind of pay i could earn...and i would love to be a part time stay at home mum for a while...spend some time with our 5yr old son...but not sure if we could afford to do that.its a minefield really isnt it...but,it hasnt put us off...definately still want to do it in the very near future....just got save,save,save!!!!!! good luck to you and your family and hope you have some success with it all.regards sue.
One thing my stepson (19yrs old) did tell us, is that depending on the type of visa you are allocated dictates on whether you can buy property.
He told us that on their visa (sorry, don't know what type it is) only allows them to rent property or - they have to purchase a plot of land and build a new property. Apparently, they are not allowed to purchase a "resale" or previously owned property.
I don't know how true it is - just telling what I've heard....
Way to go! Enjoy your new life

We sold up everything in UK over 4yrs ago and moved to live in Limassol, Cyprus. We have a very different life here, both working for ourselves as we cannot retire for another 15yrs (unless we win the lottery) and have never looked back. No regrets from either of us and as yet, we haven't been back to UK either.

Good luck - head for your dreams.
Good luck with the plans. You couldn't pick a better place to live!!!I am a real estate agent in the Northern suburbs of Brisbane, so if you need any advice please feel free to ask. The lovely person who advised that you are limited with purchasing a home is right, if you are not a permanent resident of Australia you will need to get permission of the Foreign investment review board prior to purchasing a home. This is not a difficult process though and most of the time your solicitor will handle all the finer details for you.

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