Can someone please tell me if my tv's, sky+, dvd player etc will work if only watching sky progs as I want to take them all with me if poss when moving to Portugal next year as am not sure about the voltage difference.
Also, we have bought a house just outside Vilamoura off someone we know quite well but am not sure about the procedure of the legal side of things out there. They have lived there for 20 odd years and tell us we can use the same agent as them, thereby saving money on both sides, but am worried that all legalities will not be covered. We are also in the dark about health matters, what do I do to take my car there, tax issues etc. The list seems to go on the more you look into it:(
We will be retiring fully so will not need to find work.
Any help and advise will be appreciated.
Regarding Sky and TV they should work out there, but you may have to have permission to put a dish up. There are quite a few companies that will sort you out I think. If Sky know you are using their system abroad they will cancel your account. You DVD will need to be multi region to play DVD's bought in Portugal. Your video should be ok.
Not sure about health matters, but as Portugal are members of the EU I woulda thought you get treated same as anyone local. I'm told the healthcare in Portugal is very good. Not sure about car situation.
Hope this helps a bit

They will be leaving his Sky dish so no prob there, I will take my sky card and sky+ box over but was wondering more about the voltage for my tv's etc.

I wouldnt do anything without a very good English speaking Portugese solicitor. Never mind what the other bloke says, you need to be sure EVERYTHING is covered when you hand over the readies!
Like I said do as you do at home.
I think the voltages are slighly different, but I'm sure your items will work fine. Of course you will need an adaptor for the plugs.
Oh and make dam sure you have a survey. We purchased a new apartment in Portugal, and everyone including our solicitor advised we didn't need a survey, but we still had one done. Gave us piece of mind, I can tell you.
Thanks, will try to get one now for as you say more peace of mind than trying to save money. We stayed just outside Alos d'agua this year, nice and quiet but only 5 mins or so from Vilamoura. I also guessed the tv's etc would work as voltage over there is supposed to be 220 - 240v, should save having to buy new ones.
Hi Dip, We took a U.K. tv to Portugal for our property and it wouldnt work properly, (something to do with the signal it receives) but we found a guy who completley stripped it inside and put the necessary parts in for it to work over there, it works perfect now and is connected to Sky but only for the freeview channels, you would have to use your U.K. sky card for the other channels but as Mad Mick says if they find out they will cancel your account. The voltage is 220/230v so majority of your electrical items will work no problem just change the plugs to Portuguese 2 pin ones. As far as having permission for a sky dish if you are in an apartment complex I'm sure this will apply but we have an individual house and we didnt need any permission at all, but I note you say they are leaving the sky dish for you so your ok. Also the good advice you have been given regards a Lawyer is correct, make sure he speaks English and is working for you only and not the two parties involved in the sale of the property & make sure your property is registered with the land registery and has an habitation licence, this should be done through a notary to the Camara, your lawyer should see to this for you. A Notary & a lawyer are two separate people doing different jobs (Or should i say a lawyer needs to be qualified in notary public issues to do this task, if your lawyer is qualified in this field then u kill 2 birds with 1 stone). Regards Jayjan

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