As it is quiet I thought I would share my experiences with you, I flew with BMI great flight crew food ect, was sat next to a little lady travelling alone and a German girl who was meeting friends in India, so the 3 of us "looked after each other". When we arrived at Mumbai we all got on the transfer bus from International to domestic terminal, so far so good, the bus stopped at a terminal and I was told to get off as it was my terminal, It is now 1am and teeming down, I presented my boarding card to the guard who said "wrong terminal, get back on the bus" easier said than done as it had now turned into a tardis with hundreds of indians with bags, children, laptops, packages clamoring to get off, to say I looked like a drowned rat would have been a complement. Eventually I managed to get back on and made it to the right terminal where I duly presented my pass to the guard again, only now it was soggy and all the ink had run, he actually laughed, I'm not sure if it was because of my ticket or the state of me. After a 4 hr wait we eventually boarded for Goa
To follow accident on 1st night and hosp visit,
Thanks Lin - looking forward to the next instalment
Hi Lin, I've been waiting for a monsoon report......hurry hurry can't wait to read the next installment.
Was trying to think of a way to make Pt 2 a bit beefy, instead of the embarrassment it was, Will do it tomorrow, We have kept up the tradition of Wed meets, although they are mini meets, Ampora Julie, hubby Mark and me, just off out now,
Have a Honeybee for me.
I went to see my friend at the weekend and spied the bottle of honeybee I bought her when I was in Goa .....ooooh I was soooo tempted
Linb tried to have a Honeybee for you-wasn't quite what we expected

I take absolutely no blame for it whatsoever:

Are you suggesting we were inebriated last night

Myself and Mark met lin b in "The Pub" in Calangute after she had done a reccy to see what was open and they advertised karaoke on the door, we thought we'de go and have a laugh, but no, it's not on out of season.We had 1 or 3 there, hunger got the better of us, so it was either the Plantain leaf but as they don't sell alcohol, we plumped for Capricorn with a stop off on the way (it is a long walk and we were very thirsty)at the little house on the prarie for a drink with the locals, just to be sociable you understand

After a very nice meal, we were going to leave, but the heavens opened so we had to have another drink. We trekked all the way back up to Franks bar,passing quite a few taxi's on the way,we ordered our drinks, lin b thinking of you, asked if they had coffee Honeybee, yes said the waiter. Me and Mark got our drinks and started chatting, after 5 minutes we were wondering where lin b's was, when out he came with her drink, steaming hot in a mug

We must have stayed there longer than we thought, we did look at our watches at one point, but because of the dim lights we couldn't make out the time

After deciding that lin b shouldn't walk hom alone, we set off "measuring the road" as the Goans say for staggering, to Arpora.
The heavens opened again, and as we only had 1 brolly between us, we abandoned it and having been deprived of a sing song, we did a very passable rendition of " Singing in the Rain"

We got to somewhere near Amberts surgery- I think, and met a little guy sat in what appeared to be a bus shelter who said he was a security guard, none of could make out what he was guarding, we asked him if he knew of a taxi, "no problem" he said and off he went back towards Calangute, leaving us to "guard" After what seemed like ages, and me insisting we couldn't abandon our post, he reappeared saying "sorry, sorry, but the driver is drunk" Yes, he had been trying to rouse Mr Comatose.
Off we set again, when quite soon we heard a vehicle, so we stuck our thumbs out and very kindly he stopped and offered us a lift to Arpora.
We live in a very rural area, with no street lights and a large herd of cows, so Mark held lin b's hand while I went in front to point out the cow pats, it didn't help that lin b's shoes would'nt stop on

After much giggling we got home and decided to round off the night with a few well earned coffee Honeybees on the veranda, eventually we called it a day going up to 5am.
Phew, it's a good job all the Wednesday meets don't go on so long

More more
If she tries to hold me responsible for any of last night events, I will deny it completely

We worked out this morning, whilst sat in the rocking chairs nursing our hangovers, that she is here for another 2 and a half weeks, not 1 as she thought

Oh no, does that mean 2 more mini meets?

Arpora Julie. My wife is quite taken with the idea of Coffee Honeybee, can you tell us please, is it a hot or a cold drink, and what would the measures be. Thank You.

On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say around 7. Normally I don't get hangovers over here but yesterday morning I felt like I had a pedulum swinging in my head and my mouth tasted like Ghandi's flip flop.
We sat on the veranda until early afternoon, very subdued and drinking copious amounts of tea and coffee. Feeling fine and dandy now

Forgot to say, I am eagerly awaiting lin b's version

Whilst we wer guarding the bus stop, Julie wanted to abandon the post, but this guy had a uniform and matching shoes so it must be important, so in the interests of national security I felt we had to stay at our post until he returned.
The Fred and Ginger Impression was a sight to behold, but thank goodness for the lift home or we would still be walking now, Hangover score 1/10 as I was drinking coffee

After a very long trip, I popped out early evening to say Hi to some friends and grab a bite to eat, I arrived home at 8pm very jet lagged and decided to lay down for a few mins but I couldn't relax until I had completed my nightly ablutions, hopped off the bed, misjudging the distace to the floor and fell down with a crash, after crying for my mummy for a few mins I got up and got ready for bed, but my knee was really hurting.
Next day bruised and sore I decided to 'hop' on a bus to visit Mango house with red cross food supplies (bacon, sausages and cheese) By the time I arrived It was very bruised and the swelling was much worse. Shermina told me to pop to the Vrundavan hosp at the end of the road for an X-ray which I did, no fracture showed up but he thought I had torn my ligament, next thing I am wearing a full leg brace, and clutching bottles of pills, only I did not have enought cash on me to pay.
I went ouside to ring Shermina, with a nurse watching, not sure if she thought I was going to do a runner

Next problem, there is no way I can get back on a bus, so I phoned the number of a Tuk Tuk driver I knew, well,

All is much better now, and respect to the Vrundavan hosp, I was in, X-rayed, seen by an orthopedric surgeon, and treated in less than 1/2 Hr.
"wearing a full leg brace..... with a nurse watching, not sure if she thought I was going to do a runner"
Conjures up a fantastic image
Conjures up a fantastic image


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