Just heard about changes to charges from 1st November 2010.
http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/savings-an ... xpand=true
Looks like we will be reverting to cash
It's telling me that the page you requested is no longer available when I click on the link
in return for charging to use the card they will offer inclusive travel insurance, which like most account linked insurance will probably be no use if you've booked DIY, go somewhere odd, do something more adventurous than lie on a sunlounger or have a pre-existing condition!
The above link has a large part missing, it should be in return for charging to use the card they will offer inclusive travel insurance, which like most account linked insurance will probably be no use if you've booked DIY, go somewhere odd, do something more adventurous than lie on a sunlounger or have a pre-existing condition!
Still adds up though, luckily they come in after my holidays...
I'm still going to use it abroad as a back up.
I saw this day coming a long time ago..........such a shame for loyal customers like myself who use the Flex Account as main current account and not just holidays
They finally loaded the announcment on their own site last night I saw this day coming a long time ago..........such a shame for loyal customers like myself who use the Flex Account as main current account and not just holidays

"Oh stuff Nationwide I only use them for holiday money anyway"
Mmm, exactly the type of customer that they want to get rid of.

I can't see why they coudn't just introduce this for customers who do only use Nationwide for their holiday money. As Miss Chief says some of us use the Flex account for all our banking. Why should we be penalised?

I dont change my money till I get there, and will never withdrwa money from atm in spain again,. Il take plenty with me just incase..i did read about this today in the mirror paper..

I'm so disappointed with the Nationwide, I think they've been very shortsighted with regards how many people will choose to do their current account banking elsewhere........a classic case of penalising the majority due to the minority

The £80 is supposedly based on a couple with a joint account (hopefully any kids are included as well!). The cover is only for Europe, any further costs extra. Their normal provider is LV and their website is very clear about what they don't cover - hopeless for DIY travel.

This really is rubbish. We've been using our Flexaccount as our main joint account for 7 years now plus we have our mortgage and savings with them. I have pre-existing medical conditions so the insurance will be useless. Talk about putting the customer second!
As an expat that withdraws all my income via Nationwide (as thousands do), using it as a main account for pension & any other UK income, I will be looking at alternatives & removing my savings as this will now cost me between £300-400 a year!!!!!. There are thousands of expats do the same, do they want to lose that many customers, many with large savings? There is no reason for them to stay with Nationwide any more, rubbish rates on the savings, pay to take money out & travel insurance totally irrelevant!
The US has several banks to choose from for free foreign withdrawals, the UK banks charge far too much & I can't believe how shortsighted Nationwide are being on this.
Log onto the Nationwide site and email a complaint to them via the message centre. There is no use complaining on forums without telling the people that matter.
Just done as luci suggested. Will keep you updated.
I have sent them a message too.
The guy did say that they were dealing with & monitoring the number of complaints though, so could be worth everyone sending a message?

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