Our Last visit to Turkey we had to Icmeler for 2 weeks in August 2010, previous couple of years had been to Olu which we loved. Icmeler being a place I will not return to even if someone paid me to go and goes down as one of the worst holidays we've had.
Anyway . . .I need a Turkey fix and am thinking for a week/10 days around the school half term holiday in june 2012. Just looking for some suggestions about places that could be worth checking out.
We LOVED Olu, it is the only place apart from Florida where we've been back to more than once, and even when I said to DS about nipping to Turkey next year he said "Back to Olu", but I am wondering about giving somewhere else a try.
So avoiding Icmeler and Marmaris as disliked the 2nd as much as the first, any suggestions?
It would be DS who is now 11 and me, we like to have a town to walk around in the evening, not bothered about being AI as happy to eat out each day/evening and its nice to be able to do so. Dont want clubs or loud places, but do want places to visit and the chance to get out on trips. We did like Turunc when we stayed in Icmeler, but cannot see us being there for that length of time . . .
So any suggestions? About places to check out and possible hotels/apartments? holiday this year was a bit budget breaking LOL and as DS will be going on 2 football tours abroad next summer as well as 2 school trips away, I dont want to go overboard . . .but open to suggestions

Ah its nice to be thinking about going back