I feel the same as jwhiting we went last Sept, a great time weatherwise to go, but
felt it to be a shock there was no holiday buzz,and its going to take a long time to
get things going again, Bourbon St for us was a no go area,Went on the Natchez lunch
cruise and there were only about 20 others on there.
Lots of the shops had not reopened after Katrina and were still boarded up.
The Katrina tour really brought it back as to how bad it was,after 4 days we were
ready to leave but had to stick the week out for the flights.
a must is Cafe Du Monde on Jackson square their bienetts[spelling]are to die for,but don,t
wear dark clothes

you will be covered in soft icing sugar
forgot to mention we did it all DIY starting in Sanfransico, Lake Tahoe.Yosemite,Death Valley,
and Las Vegas before flying on to New Orleans