DECREE 326/2003
Here is a summary of the laws in respect of music, etc in bars, etc.
Music is not allowed to be heard outside the establishment.
All doors and windows must be closed whilst music is being played.
Bars without a music license can have a television or radio providing they are soundproof to 60dBA.
Bars without a music license may stage karaoke or live music (a maximum of 3 times a month) subject to permission from the local council. To achieve this permission they must install soundproofing as above and an acoustic limiter to the sound equipment. Music must cease at 23:00h. Permission must be applied for a minimum of 15 days before the event, and they must receive permission from the Commercial Department before staging the event.
Music Bars or Pubs must be soundproofed to a rating of 65 dBA (This must be certified by an accredited source). They must have an acoustic limiter installed to control the sound equipment. Bars with an ordinary opening license must apply for an extension of their license to permit music.
For the full regulations as they apply contact the Town Hall's Commercial Department in Plaza Ginebra, Sabinillas, where they will only be too happy to give you every assistance.
Here is the original in Spanish:
No se permite reproduccion de música fuera del establecimiento.
El local no puede tener puertas y ventanas abiertas.
Bares sin música.
La ley dice que para tener "una" television o "una" radio de baja potencia, el local debe estar levemente insonorizado, (60 dBA).
Bares sin música, pero con karaoke o actuaciones de vez en cuando (maximo 3 veces al mes).
Para conseguir autorizacion municipal, necesitan tener instalados un limitador-controlador acústico que actúe sobre todo el equipo de reproduccion.
No podran tener música mas tarde de las 23:00 h.
Deberan solicitarlo con una anticipacion mÃÂÂÂnima de 15 dÃÂÂÂas, y esperar respuesta de la Delegacion de Comercio.
Bares con música o Pubs.
Deberan estar insonorizados (65 dBA), y presentar estudio acústico que lo demuestre.
Deberan tener instalados un limitador-controlador acústico que actúe sobre todo el equipo de reproduccion.
En el caso de no tener licencia Municipal de Apertura para Pubs, o bar con música,(solo bar, cafeterÃÂÂÂa, etc...), debera realizar una ampliacion de la Licencia.
Para mas informacion, pueden ponerse en contacto con nosotros en la direccion que aparece en el membrete.