Good point Judith...I also found the service better on Malaysian than on Singapore. I found Thai comfy and with the best service of the three, hopefully soon they will have upgraded the aircraft interiors
I would rent a car and motel it we have done it this way l do not know if it is cheaper than coach trips but you can go where you like when you like .The camper vans they all seem to be under powered for the hills over there or it seemed that way when you got stuck behind one . The north island is more warmer than the south both island have lots to see and the ferry ride inbetween the 2 island can be rough going but that part going into Pickton up the channel is very good to see. NZ is one of the best places l have ever been too so much to see.
thanx to all you guys and girls for the info i,ve tried a few phone No,s but we are having trouble getting a flight back on the date we want, but we will keep trying,

Can i say thank you to everyone who passed on their info about the flights to new zealand. I took on board your comments and i,ve now got a flight with malaysian airways,booked it through ebookers, not bad price ,with tax 560pds,from manchester to auckland on the days i wanted too,

Dont forget to sign up for for their frequent flyer program. Are you going to do a stopover or you just transitting KL?
Malaysia Airlines offer a free round trip flight within Malaysia if you take their stopover program, you have to book hotels with them but they have listings of budget to luxury. Worth taking advantage of if you want to take a few days break on your way to NZ, OZ or anywhere else they fly to.

I am stopping off at k/l for three hours going,on the return i stop over for approx 14hrs.Has off yet i,ve made no reservations off any kind,i should be flying back with my mates only they are bound for heathrow and i,m manchester i think they fly in the same time, need to get in touch with them to arrange things.Can,t wait for the next two months to pass.

Thanks people, We are also looking for info on flights to NZ. Try to sort out a 2 week DIY to the North Island.
Anybody had any experience of staying in Homestays. Looking at doing a 2 week tour of the North Island. Don't really like hotels that much.
I am beginning to envy you, I would love to return to NZ someday.
I was charged £1.50 each time I withdrew. I have a Halifax card but I read somewhere recently that if you use a Nationwide debit card you are not charged a fee. Best to check with your bank to make sure.
When travelling I always take some money in the currency of the place I am going to,then use credit cards wherever I can, e.g. for paying meals hotels purchases etc. If you need more money just get it from ATM I find that the rate of exchange that you receive is better anyway and makes up for the charge made by your bank. When we were travelling last year the rate for AUD bought here was $2.41 to pound but when we used our credit card and ATM it was more like $2.53 to pound

You can get currency convertor on the internet, rates change daily put it on your favourites and check up on it before you go. Hope you enjoy your trip

Thanx to everyone who offered their advice in helping me get a flight.
Let you all know about my experiences when i get back 17/07/05.

I hope you have a wonderful time sleep_r_us, in fact i'm sure you will.

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