The £7 each 'tip' was collected from everyone who booked the excursion package. He noted it down as well. I did write and complain to FC about this and in their reply they stated that it was at the discretion of the passengers when it came to tipping. This 'extra' is a nice little earner for the greedy Rep and her Egyptologist sidekick.
There really is no need to tip at all on the boat during the weeks' cruise. That is why they suggest 'tipping' at the end of the week. Do it per cabin and NOT per person as the Rep wants.
Some people on our boat actually tipped individuals at the end of the week to ensure they got the tip. Of course, that was reflected in the reduced amount put in the 'envelopes. at the end of the week. My 'tip' to the Egyptologist and Rep definitely reflected their rip off £7UK supplementary charge. I wanted to give them absolutely nothing but my wife made me in order to 'keep the peace'. Incidentally, the Rep and Egyptologist also get 'commission' on taking you all to the Alabaster, Papyrus and Perfume factories during the week. A tidy amount they get as well.
I have really nothing against them doing that BUT don't take advantage of the situation and charge that £7. The excursion packages should absorb those tips-- they are expensive comapred to booking it all yourself.
I can only go on what happened on my boat as regards the bars etc. There is a main bar and entertainment area where drinks are served on an AI basis. No need to tip at all. No waiter service for that unfortunately. For example, if you want beer. The beer is poured from the bottle into a half pint glass. rather annoying that but it worked OK. Wine is also served by the glass as is water etc etc.
Drinks are available during lunch and dinner. In our very large dining room a table was set up with all the drinks available. Same system as the bar. Just go up and get a glass of whatever. No tipping necessary.
On the Tulip there was a bar up on deck where all the sunbeds and plunge pool were. This closed at sunset. same system. No waiter service though, just go up and get your own. I think the Orchid had a similar arrangement. The layout of everything was a bit different to the Tulip. We had no complaints as to how it all worked except you couldn't get a bottle of beer!
Although I have not been on the Nile for 3+ years now, I have been on four cruises over a period of around ten years and it has been the same with this practice regarding tips on every occasion. I have never paid what they ask for and only ever tip individuals for good service, which is how it should be.
I believe that the main reason that this method of "monetary extraction" has survived intact over the years is that not that many people do more than one Nile cruise in a lifetime and therefore, naively, think that it is a compulsory payment, or that they will look "tight" if they dont give. The only way it will ever be stopped is if people stop complying! I have been told, by more than one egyptian crew member, that they never see any of the amount which is purported to be for distribution to the crew.
PG also comments on the visits made to perfume factories, alabaster factories etc. He is again correct that a large part of what you pay for the items you buy goes in commissions to "others".
There is no doubt, that if you have the confidence, then a DIY job where you arrange your own flights, accomodation and cruise is a far cheaper option. It is a sad fact that the big tour operators penalise people to such a degree when offering inclusive packages.
Having said all that, I still consider the Nile cruise to be an absolute must for anyone with the slightest interest in Egyptian ancient history and a fantastic experience.
Yes you are absolutely right. I tried not to conform and did not give what the Rep wanted etc. They play on the fact that Egypt has a 'tipping' culture and that all are low paid. I notice that they did not let us know their own salaries etc. I wrote to First Choice and complained but the bottom line was that they were not in the slightest interested. They get their 'take' by the overpriced excursion package.
It is possible to organise all the trips oneself but it could turn out to be quite a stressful exercise and time consuming. The tour companies know this as well. Having said that- my wife and I were prepared to pay what they asked for for the package £120 each. We did enjoy the visits even though they were rushed. It was all part of our Egyptian Experience! I didn't mind tipping the odd person etc either for good service. What did irk me was having to tip the First Choice employees! They were not worthy of tipping in my view.
I would not hestitate to recommend a NIle Cruise. The staff on board (not the First Choice employees) are fantastic. Nothing is too much trouble for them. The food was excellent in my view as well. Entertainment OK- good fun at the Galabaya evening. On the cruise I went on our fellow passengers were a great bunch as well and obviously helped make the trip a great one. The sites were fantastic as well. We will definitely return to Egypt and Luxor in particular and stay on the quieter West Bank.
Just a pity about the people who did their best to ruin it and they worked for the company that organised it.
Thanks for that I am thinking of giving the £7 each like they insist on and at the end of the cruise just put a couple of £s in the egyptologist envolope and give the odd couple of people like the cleaners a tip each , then put some money in for the rest of the crew. Does anyone look in the envolopes and do you give them in when you leave the boat at the end of your cruise
Thanks Eilean
unless you are good at haggling i would buy the galabayo on the boat. My son got a thress piece outfit including headdress for £10 and it is nice and well worth it. My friend and i got ours off a stall and paid £35 each. Although they are very nice, i wish I had bought them on the boat. People who get them cheaper must have to do a lot of haggling and i am really not good at it!!!
Do you get AI all the time because I priced one up for my parents and it was really weird system, they could only hae drinks at meal times and on the days the boat was sailing and then it was only until around 7pm. On the days the boat was moored they didn't. I thought this was not worth it, however yours might be different as is a british tour operator. Personally i will be taking my own bacardi on board and just buy the coke. i saw several people doing it last year! I know it's cheeky, but i don't drink anything else and i know it is expensive. I do buy allthe trips off the boat and pay the tips so don't see the harm in saving somewhere.
On the Tulip two envelopes were left in our cabin on the penultimate day. One marked 'crew' and the other 'egyptologist and Rep'. In our case the Egyptologist was the Rep as well(and a poor one at that!).
A sort of safe style post box was put on the desk in the foyer. It was like posting a letter so no-one would know whose was whose and how much was in the envelope. I sealed mine as well. The envelopes are not marked in any way etc. with cabin numbers and names. If they were it would have made me leave even less that I did! If, on the Orchid, they do charge £7 per person for the 'drivers' then the Rep and Egyptologist would make a fortune for themselves. There probably are about 100 people on the boat so it doesn't take much working out-- a 'nice little earner' thank-you very much! And that is every week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They will give you a pre departure briefing where the 'envelopes' and 'tipping' will be mentioned again. In one ear and out the other as far as I was concerned.
Yes. Eilean, the way you suggested sounds the right way. Tipping the odd crew member who serves you well is a good idea. One couple on my table tipped a member of the bar staff early on and they had 'great service' for the rest of the week they told me. The room boys deserve a tip as well, in my view. The crew were absolutely fantastic on the Tulip and I expect they are the same on the Orchid.
Even if the Rep did not charge £7 each person etc they are NOT worth a tip of £25 per person!!!!!!! That is total greed and they know it. Some old foreign unwanted notes make be worth considering. Don't in any way feel pressure from the Rep to tip as much as they say. First Choice in a letter they sent me in reply to my complaint told me that 'tipping' was ENTIRELY at the discretion of the passenger! Enough said!! I actually put a tip of £5 in the envelope for the Egyptologist/Rep and it irked me to do that as well. E£5(50pence) should have been the amount! I wished I had done that now.
The odd crew member will think that E£50 (£5 uk) is a very big tip and will be grateful. Would the Rep? greedy so and so's the Reps are. Makes me angry thinking about them.
One other little suggestion to take which might come in handy. We took a 'travel kettle' and an adaptor for the plugs. Oh yes, take your own large mugs as well! Tea is not available till breakfast starts at 8am. We were always up early and up on deck enjoying the cruise. I used to make my mug of tea and take it with me. Many many passengers wish they had done the same. We did take our own tea bags as well. That was not really necessay as you could take them , as well as sugar and milk, from the bar. We just emptied some milk from the jug into a glass every night and kept it in the fridge in the cabin. Those mugs will come in handy at the breakfast table as well!!
AI runs from 8am to 11pm. You will need water. You can of course get that free by the glass. But if you wanted to keep a bottle in your room which we did then you have to buy it from the bar (2 litre bottle) for E£70 (70pence). You dont pay for it there and then but sign for it to your room.
Another thing which my wife said that she should have packed was a needle and thread! A little first aid pack with the necessary medicaments would be a good idea. If you do get the runs badly they do have stuff on board you can buy. We took our own anyway and some paracetomol.
If you pay for the whole excursion package(remember Reps get a commission from this as well!) and you have to miss the odd trip due to illnes etc they will NOT reimburse any monies. You have to provide a 'Dr's note' to get monies paid back. May be a good idea to ask that question when they get everyone interested in th excursion package. Put the Rep under pressure to explain why that is. I didn't know about that till a couple on our table missed an excursion. The 'cycnical side' of me thinks the Reps are 'at it' again.
I hope the info has been good for you. I don't want to come across as an old moaner because we really did enjoy the cruise. It is just that I hate lining the pockets of people who try to cheat me.
if you need to know anything more then just fore away.
After the welcome meeting we can book our trips the rep is exspecting us to pay £7 each for the tips which
he keeps nearly all of it hisself, What would happen if I said first choice said the tips are voluntary and I can
give the driver and egyptologist the tips myself do you think this would be a problem. Is it the same drivers
all week and if so why can't I give them a tip at the end of the week. Also you said that they give you 2 envolopes
which are not marked so how do they know which one is for the crew and which one is for the egyptologist that
means they don't, so I ain't putting anything in any I am going to get some E£20 and tip the cleaners and whoever
I think deserves a tip.
Thanks Eilean
Yes, you could mention what First Choice has advised about 'tipping'. No-one actually did say that at the welcome meeting we had on the Tulip but I wish we had. It would have been very interesting to hear what he would have said. I bet he would have had something up his sleeve to say. Something rather patronising like ' these drivers are on very low wages' etc. To be honest, the price that First Choice charge for the package is way way above what it would cost doing it privately. It is therefore reasonable to expect 'tips' to be included.
Our greedy Rep/Egyptologist actually thought he was doing us all a favour as this would relieve us of the pressures of tipping the drivers. He did not mention that it was also a way of 'relieving' us of our money and thus lining his pockets. The drivers also earn extra money by selling water on the bus. If ever I went on a cruise with First Choice again I would definitely and without hesitation question him or her on their integrity. They know they will never ever see you again so have no qualms in doing it. They also know that no-one wants to appear to come across tight,mean and ungenerous. They play on this. Make no mistake about all this-- the money does NOT go to the driver! Maybe a few E£'s as I have mentioned on a previous posting.
What you suggested to do ie individual tipping is probably the way to go.
The envelopes: When I said they are not marked-- I meant marked with names and cabin numbers. One envelope is marked 'Crew' and the other 'Reps and guides'(cheats).
No-one will ever know who gets what when the envelopes are opened. No-one will know who puts what into which envelope. I would imagine, or is it me being cynical again, the 'real' cheating gets done at the opening and counting time.
Also to be quite frank-- even if the envelopes were marked with cabin numbers etc-- I would still put a paltry or derisive amount in the envelope and enjoy the conversation with whoever would want to discuss it with me.
It is definitely best to do what you suggested. I hope you can let as many people know about what those Reps/Egyptologists are up. Oh yes, they will be very very friendly and nice-- all a massive cover.
As I have said before. The crew are definitely worth their salt and no mistake about that. I think they do go the 'extra mile' to impress and make you happy-- they are the ones who save First Choice and their Reps/Egyptologists.
An example of good service. On the last day which on the Tulip was badly organised etc. I have spoken about that before. We got back to the ship about lunchtime from a visit. All our bags had already been packed and cabins vacated at 6am! We were due to leave on the bus for the airport at 3pm. My wife was feeling quite ill so I went to the Purser at the main reception desk and explained this. Without hesitation he arranged for us to have a cabin and for someone to put our bags in the cabin in case my wife needed anything. I was very very grateful for that. He did not do it for a 'tip' but just because he wanted to help us. Once my wife was resting in the cabin, I went to look for him to thank him. I gave him 5euros. He was so so thankful for that.
By the way-- the Reps knew my wife was ill but did not even bother to ask how she was or if we needed any help.
Has anyone been on this boat and has any comments?
Also I am particulary interested in where it is moored/berthed in Luxor ie is it near any hotel/landmark etc?
I can't believe the reps knew about your wife and didn't come to check she was ok. By the way did anyone wear combat trousers for their evening meal or was it smart casual and did anyone wear short sleaved shirts or were they long sleaved.
I think the order of the day is smart casual. I see nothing wrong with combat trousers etc. I generally always wear short sleeved shirts anyway-- so that was not a problem.
I guess in the evening most people made an effort to look reasonably smart/casual-- definitely not formal.
My wife and I are looking to book a Nile cruise and narrowed it down to the Presidential Nile offered by Thomson.
My question is what is the difference you are getting in the 3T and 4T Presidential standards as there is marked price differential.
Are they the same boat but different cabins or completely different boats. Is entertainment and food the same? What can you tell us to help make our minds up?

I am tempted by the 4T in case we're disappointed by the 3T.
I don't want to sound patronising but you get what you pay for. The 4T one must be better in terms of cabins and facilities and possibly the food.
A friend of mine recently went on the Sonesta St George with Thomas Cooks paying about £200 more per person than I did on my First Choice boat(avoid the Tulip). There ship was far far superior to the one I went on.
One thing that I would imagine is constant whatever you pay is the service of the Egyptian Crew. They were magnificent on my ship and also my friend had the same opinion about the crew on his.
Just one little 'tip' when you do go. Be very careful with the British Reps trying to make you feel guilty about tipping. I have posted some comments previously on this forum about it. It appears as it is not just First Choice but ALL the cheating so and so's are at it. Don't fall for it.
No you're not patronising, I know it seemed a plonker question but after going through the forum and asking around I couldn't find a proper answer.
Ta for the 'Tips' tip! I'll search it out.
If you have any general questions about the Nile Cruise-- just ask- I will be more than happy to try to help.
regards, Pete
We were also docked along side each other for alot of the stops, and our boat did seem to be more relaxed and having more fun in the evenings and by that I dont mean we were rowdy drunks or anything (I rarely drink and hate that kind of behaviour)
I would recomend the 3T cruise as a very nice holiday indeed, one of the only holidays I would go back and exactly the same again.
We gave tips at the end of the cruise, we were given envelopes but were never pressured to use them. We tipped our driver each day direct, gave some money seperatly to our fav staff on the boat, the rep and then put a little bit into the envelope for the crew only.

I might have a question or two later!
Just booked 3T for 12th November for the wife and me. It's our 20th wedding anniversary and my 50th treat. Will use the difference for extra excursion and to enjoy ourselves a bit.
I sent first choice an email asking them if they knew which boat we are on and they sent 1 back saying they didn't know yet it could be the Tulip or Jasmine well I havn't heard of the Jasmine have you if you havn't eigher I am getting back to them and asking where do they get their info from because there isn't a boat of that name. If anyone else can comment it is appreciated.
thankyou eilean
The Tulip and the Jasmine are part of the same company known as Wings. The other ship in the 'group' is the Orchid. The Tulip and the Jasmine are more or less identical ships. The Orchid seemed a bit different to me but all are nice anyway.
Did you book on-line? Sometimes that is where the confusion lays. The offer two cruises both with identical pictures etc and itineraries. That is where it all falls short, in my opinion.
1. One choice on line is the 'all-inclusive' ship. No other options. That most certainly will be the Orchid. All the passengers on that will be First Choice passengers and all on an AI basis.
2. The second choice , on their site, is for all inclusive/full board. That is the one we chose because the other ship was fully booked. We were expecting EVERYTHING to be the same as the description etc did not show other wise.
Although, in my opinion the Tulip and the Jasmine are probably slightly better ships it is the schedule that caused all the problems for everyone.
The Orchid kept to the schedule as indicated on their website and probably in their brochure. The Tulip or Jasmine definitely does not. There are other tour companies and small comapnies that use the Tulip and Jasmine as well. Their schedule is then determined by other factors eg when will the other passengers be joining the ship. They have to wait for them etc. Also all the Non-First Choice passengers are generally on a full board basis.
I would also recommend up grading your cabin if you can. Best to have something like a superior cabin or better. The main reason for that is that they are on a higher deck.
any more questions then just fire away.
Have a look at this link. It shows all three ships that First Choice may use.

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