If you're about to leave the hotel, and find out you haven't got enough room to pack it all, what do you leave behind? We normally give our buckets & spades to some family, and sometimes we give our huge lilos & blow-ups to some family, or the kids' club.
What would you leave behind, or give to someone? I was just curious what other people would leave behind xD
I did have a major panic last year when we were packing to come home about the weight of my luggage so I chose to leave the beach towels. They were really old anyway and it gave me a good excuse to buy some new ones for this year. The best thing was, that my suitcases were well under my luggage allowance and I could have brought my towels home! I generally leave behind anything that has been opened or even things that I know I wont use again that year.

We always give away the lilos, buckets, spades and large toys to the nearest newly arriving family. Normally, we havent actually purchased them ourselves and I think its nice to keep passing them around. Last year we seemed to have inherited 3 lilos and numerous buckets and spades which were all passed on to others.
LOL. We always give things like buckets away, but we never get any

Aww shame about the towels, but atleast you'll get nice new ones ^.^
With things like shampoos, gel soaps, etc, we'll just leave them for the maid, with a note. Sometimes the maids don't take them so we'll just leave them for the next people using the room.
I have been known to leave older items of clothing, old T Shirts that we have just taken as a beach cover up, old trainers that were taken in case we did something scruffy (for example walking round Kaya Koy in Turkey).
Normaly donate or throw away all our paperbacks as well.
One year chucked away a huge beach towel that got oil on it from a beach in Gozo

I'm tight with shampoos and stuff because I use quite expensive products so there's no way I'm leaving those. Sorry.

I'm sure one of the Mods once posted that they buy cheap packs of knickers from M&S wear a pair a day and then throw them away at the end of their hols. I'm not sure why (so apologies) but that really tickled me.


We leave any inflatables, suncream, aftersun and toiletries. I often offer the toiletries to the maids.
We always leave the beach towels, any clothes hangers we may have taken, clothes pegs,
and the odd tshirt and sandals.
I also dish out what's left of the toiletries and suntan lotions / aftersuns to our friends.
(If they don't want them then they get left for the maid.)
Forgot - we also leave any books we have read too.
ooh same here, we take about 8 each and always leave them!
I have left wine, beer, sugar, teabags etc. for whoever wants them.
Books I often leave, as they weigh a lot, and I take at least away for two weeks. I often find someone to give them to, or find that apartment owners leave a stash for guests. Occasionally I can find a book exchange and do a bit of trading.
We left our sons buggy in Bulgaria last year, he was growing out of it, plus the footstrap broke when we were there too!
I, like another poster said, have never been offered anybodies leftovers though !
Oh we got left a load of delicious fancy food by a french family on a campsite in Brittany one time. They do know how to eat proper the French.

towels, toiletries, poolside flipflops, iron and whatever else didn`t cost much, towels i usually pay about £3, flipflops are about the same price i get an iron for a fiver and toiletries are not worth taking back as i already have the same at home..
We leave toliettries and suncream behind for the maids as I take new bottles with me so don't need them when I get back. I also leave books behind for others to read as most hotels have a book/mag swap facility! I take those free flip flops that you get in mags and leave them behind too.
At the HV in Sharm there is a table and some shelves in the courtyard for stuff folks are leaving.It was overflowing on departure days!
It seems we all take too much.

Lilo's buckets and spades, bikini's, old t-shirts and this year I left a dress for the maid which I bought last year in a hurry and hated ever since, flip flops, half empty toiletries.
suncare/toiletries, books and the odd towel or two

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