How about in July/August 2007, we try to sort out a week where we can get as many members to the Coral Nuweiba as we can? If anybody is up for this, leave a message (either here or PM me) so we can see how many we can get there to take over the hotel. We will organise with Swiss a beach party for us for a fee (if we can sweet talk him into it). If you have any preference on dates, please state them. At the moment we are looking at the last week in July or first week in August.
You may wish to stay in Sharm at the same time, but would be made welcome at the party, if it happens.
This offer is open to Nuweiba regulars and first timers (orange vegetables allowed). We recommend that we book by about November time, because if there are a lot of us we will need the seats on the plane (these are always the first to be filled).
HT Moderators (should that now be HF?) will, contrary to rumours, also be made welcome. As long as they don't embarass anybody by spilling coffee on their top on the plane.

Marvel at the sight of Mrs E drinking vodka & sprout.
Have lessons from myself at how to blow coke bubbles through your nose.
Tell Swiss how much you hate Spurs.
Come and join us - if you dare.
Edited by
2006-07-04 09:00:34