On another forum I noticed a comment about someone saying how they managed to get free SMS messages when abroad.
At first I thought it was a load of tosh but it actually does work!!!
I believe it only works on O2 sims, the ones they always offer for free online, where you pay £10 a month and for that you get 500 free text messages, and the £10 for call credit.
Well if you send a normal SMS off of one of these sims it still charges you like 50 p so you don't get your free messages, when you're abroad but if you send a multimedia message, a MMS you get it for free.
As I say I didn't believe it but it's true. A MMS takes 3 of your 500 credits everytime you send one, but it was completely free of charge! Nothing went from my balance at all.
So for a cheaper way, if you see any of the O2 online pay as you go sims advertised online, where you can order up to 4 or something, then definitely get one and use it when you are abroad to send messages back home.
Thought this might be a useful bit of information for you all!
do you know if this works on all o2 "genie" sim cards? as i've got one which, although wasn't free it cost me £9.99 from the o2 website, gives me 300 texts for £10, 500 texts for £20 and 1000 texts for £30 a month!
It worked on my o2 genie mobile and I pay £10 a month, may be for 300 texts actually, not 500 so most probably definitely will!
great i'll try it out! thanks!
however once had a t mobile contract and used it and ended up with a bill of well over £100!!
long may 02 continue
im on 02 (genie) online contract and get 900 free texts and 500 free mins for £20 a mth and i was told that sending a text from abroad to another uk mob uses about 3-4 texts, but when i send my mother from the uk a text to her turkish mobile i get charged about 12-15p each text
I have a genie sim card for 02. How do you send this type of text message cpompard to usual one??
a multimedia message is just a picture message, sending texts from abroad using this function will just be like sending a picture message except you don't add the picture to the message, i imagine!
it might be under your message menu as "multimedia messaging" or "picture messaging"
what type of phone have you got and i'll see if i can find out exactly for you?

Checked under "my messages" and see the multimedia option. So...... do I just send my text using this option????
yep thats the option joolz!
Ooooh goodie!! I'll try it. Normally costs me 50p per text.
mine have always worked by just sending it as a normal text - although im on contract so maybe different, last worked like that in Majorca at Easter
If we use are English phones in Goa it costs 50p for a text and £2 a minute to phone back home. We got a Goan friend who had a mate who has a mobile phone shop in Margao to get us new Nokia multimedia phones, sim card and 800rps credit for approx £40. Using are Indian phones it costs 4p for a text and only 10p a minute to phone home, a lot cheaper
if anyone is interested in knowing whether this definately works before they try it, I asked an O2 representative today who also happens to be a mate of mine and it does work!
It works for T-Mobile customers aswell - i phoned up to ask for my answering machine to be switched off before i went to america (Cos it would automatically phone me and therefore charge me to tell me i have a message!) and the woman gave me a tip - send any text messages by MMS instead of SMS and it wouldn't go on top of my £35 per month free stuff! (Im on the Flext 35 contract).
Does anyone know if it costs the receiver of the text anything off their credit to receive your message.

Regards, Brigger
I dont think it does Brigger but im not sure.
Thanks Glittergirl, will give it a try from Ibiza this weekend,if my sister complains I`ll know it`s cost her to receive my text, but as long as I`ve got to send it for free....... Oh well she`s richer than me anyway.

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