on the 30th of this month myself and the missus will be jetting of there for a week , ive every confidence this will be a good break.. sheerly for the fact we know the score when it comes to haggling / dealing with blaggers etc..which fazes alot of people and are to scared to leave the hotel!! aslong as its hot, and aslong as the drinks keep flowing we'll be fine,
at the end of the day its only 3* so i cant see why people are whinging that their rooms are basic?? what do they expect a hot tub? sky ? youve come to a foreign country to get away from eastenders and to try some different cuisine,
when we get back we'll write an honest report.. not one of a p***** of couple who are just going to shred it from the word go like most have done already ,
i just hope the hotels got enough beer ... cause i will be drinking my 400 quids worth