Me and my girlfriend came back from Tapas and Toga's end of may.
Tunisia - they only port there to fill up with fuel. Dont get off the boat SERIOUSLY - we ignored this advice to our peril - upon leaving the port gates approx 12-15 taxi driver's ran over, very intimidating (big blokes in denim jackets - not quaint kaftans) who agree a price for a tour, then they say it's more to visit the places you had previously agreed - they also stear you into their mate's shops. STAY ON BOARD
Rome- Superb place. We did 'Rome on your own' - they tell you about Rome en route and give you a map. Rome is very easy to navigate and the Cistine chapel / Vatican beats the fountain/steps hands-down. Other people found the Rome with lunch a 'rip-off' and wished they did what we did - that way you can chose where and when you eat. Make sure you have an ice cream too.
Cannes: We did movie tour as monte carlo closed for grand prix. Cannes is better to just explore on your own. If you go monte then you must wear smart clothes.
barca - Nou camp and aquarium - then a stroll up the Ramblas !
Ibiza - go on the shuttle bus into town (£5.00 each) and taxi it to the beach (bora bora beach is best). Forget tours here as they aint anything.
Overall - and i'm being honest - i found the image and literature of OV to be of far more calibre than the boat itself. The food in the Plantation and waterfront was a bit 'school dinners' - the luna do great burgers and pizza in the day time.
The Bistro did fab food and we ate every night nearly as it was great.
Overall we found it a bit 'butlins at sea'; The staff took and eternity to serve drinks each night.
If brand-new white trainers, tattoo's and 40 benson is your thing, then you'll love it.
We certainly wont go on it again. They screw you for every dime to boot.