Just back from 2 days in Bangkok and 19 days in Koh Samui. Very impressed.
DIY is the way, don't book a resort for full 2 weeks as you are tied down and some are expensive for food.
Beaches better than Goa. Some you can walk 1/2 a mile up to your waist in clear blue water.
Accomodation better than Goa and can barter due to recession. Beds are so comfy and even cheap accom' is clean and all have AC.. Stayed in 5 different Resorts all varying ratings but all were great value.
Beer... better.... Chang is 6.5% and lovely.
Food cheap if you eat Thai.
Roads, easier to drive on, no one uses the horn as they drive so slow. Car hire £10 a day. Tourist walk on/off buses... stop ANYWHERE fab!
If you do your sums/ research you can get great eateries and resorts even with the poor rates.
What's missing from Goa..... not a lot, the chaos, curry, smell of incense and dirt.
If Goa took some tips from the Thai tourist board, I would go back.
There are a few minor negative points but the plusses outweigh them. Te Goan Govn' need to seriously get a grip. I wouldn't imagine anyone going to Goa after having been to Thailand.