Definitely mostly Sterling Sweetiepie
Thanks scottishmum, any1 know about the malaria tablets? was on my booking form that i should take them but the pharmasist said i didnt need them any1 know?Any one off on the 14th sept?
no point getting paranoid about it, it could happen anywhere. unfortunately nowhere is safe these days
Sweetiepie, the pp/pt isn't in a malarial area, you won't need them.
I'm not worrying about it there is no point you are at risk what ever you do these days even going to work in the morning haven't been away for long time aren't going to let this be a problem,it will be in the back of your mind but just going to enjoy the holiday and have a good time
Just looked at the photo album some of the pics from 2005 don't look to good half finished work etc,i take it from reading the forums that it has improved alot since then ? Cant wait off in less then 3 wksX
Any one online that has been p/p or p/t that can answer my question?
Thats ok i'm not yto keen on beaches anyway is there any watersports? Also can you use sterling at the airport thanks
You can use Sterling pretty much anywhere Sweetiepie. (Yeah, me again, lol).
Hi sweetiepie, Take £50 in lira to get you started and the rest in sterling, this is what we are doing. We too are flying from Gatwick on 14th Sept but going to Kusadasi via Izmir. Hope you have a great time in Sarigerme.
Hi, sweetiepie - you don't need malaria tablets for Turkey. Follow your pharmacists advice and you will be ok. Have a great holiday.
sorry cruise controller read the message again you won't be flying to dalaman then as you will be going to a different part i think anyway
no one going to p/p or p/t then from the 14 th sept
ms to fthe money i am going to sped will be in the shops int he towen for lollies and bags, shoes etc. also at the market. whats the best money to take? wont be eating out in any restaurancts? thanks

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