For nearly 2 years, he's been saying that one day he will get us both out there, and we've both had conflicting thoughts whizzing in our heads because whilst I (we) want to see my son, at the same time I wasn't bothered because I hate flying and there was no way on god's earth that I would spend that amount of time on a plane for anyone strapped in economy, unless it was for a life & death reason, and I could invent every excuse in the book not to go and I (we) didn't want to talk about it anymore.
Well, no more excuses or anything because in the early hours of this morning I received an e-mail and the shock of my life......out of the blue, 2 e-tickets for Virgin, flying from Heathrow, Upper Class, 12th December until 29th Jan 2011.
6 weeks in OZ.
Where do I start? I don't mind admitting that now it's actually going to happen I'm feeling a little giddy with the excitement, but I'm scared to death...I've never been further than Europe.
I'm still sat here and I keep clicking on the confirmation e-mail and pinching myself that this is for real.
He just said "Thanks for the last 29 years"
Do they speak Spanish in OZ.?
