I am hoping I will be able to recieve some advice.
Me and my partner recently booked a hotel seen on the On The Beach website for my birthday. We are really short of money and saw what we thought was a good website with great prices so we went ahead and booked ourself a hotel from their website and recieved an email confirming our booking. However, due to us being unable to book transportation to get from the airport to our hotel economically we decided to change our hotel to a more costly one closer to the airport and recieved an email confirming our change of hotel.
We recieved confirmation for our second hotel and the changes yesterday (17/10/12) and felt everything was great.
HOWEVER, today we checked our account and realised that £262.32 had been DEDUCTED from our account from On The Beach

And that £147.62 had been decucted for "changing the hotel"

Immediately we called On The Beach, and having been on hold for a little under an hour I spoke a lady who had no customer service or listening skills and eventually informed me that I should have read the information relating to the charge before submitting my request to change hotels as it was clearly stated.
I tried to explain to her that there was not any thing stating a charge if we wished to change hotels at the time and if it was clearly stated I would not be querying, however, this was not heard and when I finally realised I was not getting through to this woman I ended the 10 pence a minute call and felt my stress level rise.

I am certain that I read through the information provided throughly before going ahead. When I then asked if we could then just get our money back and revert to the first hotel we booked, we was then told that an additional £147.62 would then again be deducted

I just wanted a stress free holiday and after recommending On The Beach to our family members I am highly disappointed and I hope that this can and will be resolved.
Thanks in advance,