Kath, Kath, Kath! Just look back for your posts on here when you did your first Caribbean cruise as I'm sure there will be some advice in that topic you have forgotten about.
Hi Kath,Sorry i did not meet you on the cruise,i see that you walked the prom in the mornings ,so did i,i also spoke to Andy (cruisin crazy),It was a great cruise,the highlight for me was the Nevis sailaway,what a day!.I was a bit disappointed with the Rhum Runner trip in Grenada it didnt live up to the hype in my opinion.Are you doing a cruise review?I hope so .
Yes we heard the racket!! We had been on the nevis sailaway trip,which was a full day and me and my mate got wrecked my mate did not make it out that night so i had mine and his wife to look after that night,im not sure whether it was the 60/70s night up on the top deck with Powerhouse and Disco but i was in a trance all night!!!
We must have spoke even if it was just a polite hello.Look forward to your review.