hotels get given your details a month before you arrive, but if the first time was bad WHY on earth use them again ?

think you all need to leave otb alone, DONT USE THEM !!
Yes if the MD acts like that then it says it all doesn't it! I've decided I can't let it drop and I'm going to take it to the small claims watch this space......
OMG you're right the emails are soooo frustrating 1 and 2 letter words after spending like 30 mintues writing an email. They are getting away with murder...I can't believe it.
Here is the abta address if anyone wants it:
68-71 Newman Street
London W1T 3AH
Telephone: +44 (0) 20-7637 2444
Telefax: +44 (0) 20-7637 0713
General e-mail:
Web site:
ABTA also quoted in their emai - If you are unable to reach an amicable settlement of your dispute you may wish to take formal action through the courts or the independent ABTA Arbitration Scheme. Application and claim for which must be made within nine months of your return from holiday.
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