No, luckily we've got a fair bit on top of that (... student loans... overdrafts... love it!) to spend... We aim for seven nights though, because the money wont stretch that far.
We're berkshire based, so ideally flying from Gatwick would be cool. I don't suppose you know any of the companies that are based in the terminal do you, SM? Any more information would be fantastic.
As far as destination goes, we're very easily satisfied. As long as we have a bed, a pool, a beach and a bar we're perfectly satisfied. I intend on sitting on the beach, drawing and writing, and my partner intends on catching up on sleep... But we'd like SOME nightlife. We're hoping for Argassi in Zakynthos, or Cala *Somewhere* in Mallorca. Who knows?! It's an adventure!
I've been looking at a site that offers really cheap holidays, about £110/week, but I'm really scared of getting ripped off. Has anyone heard of/used
the cancellations hotline? I always work on "if it seems too good to be true then it probably is" ethos, so I'm naturally slightly dubious.
Thanks for all the replies everyone, and the advice!
Maz and Tim