Hi all, wonder if anyone can help me? I have picked up a parasite from a recent holiday and wondered if anybody else out there has had something similar and if so how was it got rid of please?
Can you tell me which parasite it is.?
I'm getting myself in a real state over this
Are you sure that you want more information?...which could be wrong until the tests come back.?
Sometimes ignorance is bliss...
It`s up to you.
besos xxx
Anything you can tell me would be appreciated and I promise it would make me feel better not worse.
Thank you for your concern though, it is appreciated.

here are other links for you
Hope you are soon feeling better
As Sanji says..I would wait until the tests results come back because depending on which parasite it is there are different medications.
I used to work in the Microbiology lab and I did also identify parasites. Let me know when your results come back.Where did you go on your holiday to catch it?
I`ll have a guess at hookworm infestation
One of the classic symptoms of Hookworm is fatique, and you say that you are exhausted all the time.
Hookworm larvae penetrate the skin. When hookworm reach adulthood, they can sap the victim's strength, vitality and overall well-being. Young worms use their teeth to burrow through the intestinal wall and feed on your blood. Symptoms from hookworm are Iron deficiency, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, craving to eat soil, protein deficiency, dry skin and hair, skin irritations, edema, distended abdomen, stunted growth, delayed puberty, mental dullness, cardiac failure and death. (1/2 inch long)
You really will have to wait until the tests come back, because of the structure of each different worm and how they attach to the intestine, depends on the treatment.
For example...it is no use buying medicine for roundworms, if you have hookworms...all this will do is flush the segments through the bowel for you to get rid off when you go to the toilet, but it leaves the head attached to the bowel to regenerate itself.
I`m sorry, I cannot give you any more advice, it would not be helpful to you, if I suggested a treatment for something, when I don`t know what I was treating.
I really hope you get it sorted next week and I hope you feel better soon.
I would be interested to know the results of your tests, if you feel like posting them....maybe I can help you more with information and advice on how to get yourself feeling back to normal.
Take care and hang on in there, next week won`t be long.
Besos xxx
Ps. where have you been on holiday?
Edited by
2005-06-25 23:52:03
Edit sorry Sanji can you provide links as there may be copyright issues with your post which I have had to edit out thanks Briar
Have you just had a beach holiday?
This may not be any consolation to you, but please do not feel dirty about yourself, the embarrassing procedure of having to take a sample of your poo to the hospital is not a pleasant thing to do, but I can assure you, that for the people who work in the laboratories, this is nothing to them....just everyday normal routine work.
A lot of the problems are the thoughts of something living inside you....many people live with worms and don`t even know they have them, until the infestation becomes well advanced and causes other symptoms.
If you just feel the need to talk....I am a good listener.....you are welcome to PM me anytime, and if I don`t know the answer....I will find it for you.
You are a very brave person, putting this problem on here...most people attach a stigma to contracting parasites, and your post will alert other holiday makers to be careful.
have a look at this...
Besos xxx
Thank you again so very much to everyone that has taken the time to help me, I really hope that if anyone else out there has similar symptoms and don't know what is wrong with them then this post may help them by suggesting a possible cause.
Some info for you....
I think you are very brave to post on here and I am sure you have helped other people by doing so.
The very best of luck
Lesley Jane
hope you get better soon, and thanks for having the guts to post about it on here im sure you will get loads of support on here.
all the best
Hi I hope thet you get sorted soon,can you post where you went on vacation???.

Qatarman I went to Guardelavaca in Cuba in October/November last year, this is where my doctor is assuming that I picked it up, but it is not definite. I would like to point out that this has in no way detracted from my holiday there, Cuba is fantastic and I intend going back in a couple of years time.
Will post my results as soon as I get them, seriously, you have all helped so much to make me feel less embarrassed about this, thank you.
Why should you feel embarassed,I live and work in the middle East and had the same problem some 5yrs ago,it will clear up with the right treatment,keep your chin up.

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