Can any one advise me, we are due to travel to Majorca in 26hrs time and my BIL has just noticed that his passport only has 6 months left on and will be less when we return, we have been searching to see if the 6 month left on passport rule stands for Majorca and from what we have read it says 3 months, is anyone able to confirm this
thanks very much
There is no requirement to have any time on your passport for Spain, it only needs to be valid for the dates of travel. However your tour operator or airline may stipulate that there is 3 or 6 months left on it at your return date so best to check with them what their rules are.
Thanks very much for the fast reply, we have phoned the spanish embassy who say you only need the time you are traveling as you said, but I will phone the holiday company tomorrow morning to check they are happy with this,
Have spoken to First choice today and they advised that you can travel as long as your passport is valid for lengh of stay
Thanks for the update Cathy. Glad it's all sorted.
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