The original question was..."I read somewhere that you have to carry your passport around with you on the CDS".
Now we all agree that you shouldn't....
The TO's and the Foreign Office tell you not too, so the information read by the poster is complete rubbish
We agree it is the Spanish law to carry ID...which BTW I never said it wasn't if you care to read back.... but no one has told me why tourists are still being advised to keep their passport in the safe if it is the law to carry ID or insisting that they carry a laminated copy.
I would have thought that the major TO's and the FO would know the law and the requirements of the various countries and it's no use saying who gives a toss about TO's because obviously Spain gives a toss, they are happy to have us in their country to boost their economy.
I carry a laminated copy, but think of the millions of tourists who have been to Spain and don't have a copy or better still have never been asked to make one, by either the TO's or the Foreign Office.
Anyway, I don't need this aggro, I'm on holiday in Spain at the moment.
And the next time I apologise to someone who obviously has no intentions of accepting my will be the one and only time.