Can anyone tell me the best way to phone home while we are in Turkey next week.
Just been in contact with my mobile phone company and their charges are very expensive. Got a text bundle, but they did not have a phone bundle and they rate per minute is £1.30 to make a call and 70p per minute to receive. Must admit I text more, but would like to keep intouch by phone if possible.
hi sue you can buy phone cards from the rep and shops and then just go to the telephone hope this helps
sue the phone cards last ages, we still havent used up the last one we bought in oct and hoping we can use it next mth, some of the phone shops do good prices and some dont so if you use 1 of those check the price per minute, or just use a phone box with the card, they are widely available
Be carefull buying phonecards also as prices fluctuate from shop to shop, Get a Turkish waiter to get one for you as they will pay the going rate, And phone after 8pm Turkish time for the cheapeast rates.
hey,you can buy phone cards from any of the wee markets or post office would prob be better-my hubby buys one that is 10 lira for 100 mins for calling me!just look around and see what is being offered, last season when i phoned home once a week i was paying 6 lira for 50 kontour card, it only lasted about 20 mins or so!then hubby told me if id actually went to post office i could have had same phonecard for 3 lira..........thanks for telling me months late i thought lol!markets are obviously getting a bit of profit therfore your prob best going to post ofice if you can!x
just listen to some of the sound advice calls to uk land lines with an international phone card is not to bad and others have said it lasts well if used after 8pm in turkey
what is the dialing code for the UK?
same as anywhere else.. 00-44 and leave the first o off the uk dialing code [ example tonbridge uk code 01732 international code 00441732]
ahhh thanks! I usually use my mobile but I changed contracts and its too expensive now so will need to use the payphone!

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