There is a market on Saturdays in Playa Blanca, its in the Marina Rubicon and any taxi driver will know it. They sell mostly nic-nacs and home made stuff but my wife goes mad for the cheesecloth clothes stall. There's also a man who sells loads of leather stuff he makes himself.
Hope this helps a bit
There's also another market (albeit smaller) on the road from Playa Blanca to Femes. Good for nick nacks etc.
Elle xx
Thanks leenlina & elle1971 can we get to either of these by bus. Do they do any trips to this market in Playa Blanca.
Yes, there is a bus service between Puerto del Carmen and Playa Blanca. I know that there are trips available too... as I've seen the coaches - but I don't know who does them, sorry. Maybe pop into Last Minute Travel... and have a chat to them. They have offices in Carmen.
Yes Last Minute Travel do coaches from PDC and it costs about 12 euro each I think but its a lot cheaper than a cab. The buses do run to Playa Blanca but the last stop is at the bus garage at the ferry end of Playa Blanca and its a good 20-25 mins walk after that to the market, also the buses in Lanzarote are few and far between,we waited about 45mins to 1hr for one,not sure if we had just missed one but it was a long wait. If you book a trip at least you get dropped off at your hotel,less aggro and more to lay in the sun

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