I have posted this under the "flights" forum section, and it was moved to an existing thread where it may well remain buried and unanswered.
The great thing about the Goa forum is that if you ask a question you get an answer, usually pretty quickly too so here goes...
as from today there is an increase in flight taxes, it hits longhaul the hardest so everyone going to Goa will feel it in due course. However, my question is, if we paid before today, has the tax been paid or are we likely to be asked for a further payment at the airport as I think I heard mentioned on the radio.The papers have all had articles about the tax coming into force, especially as darling Darling admits it's a fund raiser and not an envoironmental tax.
More info on this thread
Incidentally, if we are likely to be asked for more it is likely to be a fairly substantial amount.
When I was listening to this having my morning cuppa yesterday the travel editor that the BBC were talking to said it depended on the airline as to whether the tax had already been charged on tickets that had already been paid for.
Long haul destinations carry an additional £40.00 per person.

looks like if you booked flight after budjet in april you will have already paid the increase
Strange isn't it, when you don't know what you are paying for you don't get upset,but when you do, like seeing the VAT bill on your invoice or deductions on your payslip, it makes you a bit sick !!!!

in 2 weeks?
UK tax?
From what I have read on BBC long haul is going up from the NOW £40 to £50 next year. Will go back and check to make sure.
To be honest i should tell you what is happening in Lanzarote and what the sea is like and get the topic closed....which is exactly what you and your Welsh mates have done to my topic!
I hope they put it up as much as possible....we need a better class of tourist here.
It must be nearly that much to go over the Severn Bridge now anyway!!!
OK Spaldy that's enough.

Spaldy holiday truths is a great website where people share information and HELP others. Yes sometimes it is needed to share negative information we arent stupid and blinkered but there are ways of doing it. Ive found this forum very informative and im personally fed up of the way some people are coming on and just trying to stir up trouble.
"I hope they put it up as much as possible....we need a better class of tourist here"
What gives you the right to comment on anyone visiting goa? we all have different ideas about a good holiday and for some that may be just cheap beer and food, whilst others like the more cultural side there is no right or wrong.

Thanks for the information GEL ,now we have more money to spend in Goa

Analogy being if I buy a bottle of wine this week at "X" price and next week the price increases because of additional Tax, the shopkeeper can't then phone me up and say you owe me "Y" for that bottle of wine you purchased last week. I know what I would say if he did

He can charge me more for the next one I purchase though

For those of you who wish to object, the Daily Telegraph is running a campaign to get the tax abolished. They give a variety of reasons why on their website.
If you want to read more or sign their petition go to www telegraph co uk / apd
I know the logic about retrospective tax that you are applying makes sense Fizzy but I can't find anything anywhere that confirms what happens either one way or the other !!! I think you will be right though.
The majority of holiday makers have presumably already booked their trips that they are intending taking in the next few months. The downside of making your own arrangements is that if you fly scheduled you have to pay up front, the upside, hopefully, will be that the tax won't be applied retrospectively. On the other hand, if you have booked a package deal do we assume this tax was already built into the cost as they knew it coming which helps explain one reason why package tours have gone up in price more than seemed reasonable. One area that is hit is the "premium" seat on charter airlines because the tax is doubled to £80 per person so I would be interested to know what is being quoted for an upgrade now, I seem to think Thompsonfly were quoting £170 per person on long haul, this would now be £250 which would certainly put me off as the standard seats are excellent anyway .
I know this is going so far off topic but oh do I just get so frustrated that our working class pleasures that we slave away for all year we dream about the day we can get on that plane and just have a couple of weeks away from our miserable over taxed country.But no lets hit them even harder.
Its hard enough saving up for it and now we just have to save more.
Hope this post makes sense was a bit of a rant.
Brown accused over air taxing

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