I can also recommend the Belecekiz Beach in Olu Deniz. The hotel is right on the beach! Food is excellent, there are water sports from the beach too. The night life is not too full on but there is a club called Crusoes a couple of mins walk away, which gets busy later on.
We took 2 15 year olds 2 years ago in August and they had 'the best holiday ever'!!
It is bookable through Thomson or Portland, and when we went there were no other drop off points en route and the transfer took just over 1 hour from Dalaman airport.
Go into the review section, the reviews are amazing, everyone who goes seems to love it and many return year after year.
Also if you use Google Earth, you can zoom right up close and see it, its the one right on Belcekiz beach with the biggest pool.
good luck with whatever you choose