then there was the time a few years ago in menorca when we met one of my hubbys work friends. The two of them had both told each other where they were going but obviously neither of them had the faintest idea which resort or hotel they were staying at just that they were going to Menorca. and there he was at our hotel welcome meeting the next morning

Who got the duff room - eldests Primary School teacher!
Also got the same childrens rep for 3 years - Menorca, Crete and Turkey!
I went away last year for some peace and I turn around on the plane and sitting next to me was my wife and daughter!!!!

He doesn't seem to come on here anymore
this is weird.. two years ago we went on a last minuet cheap to Salu, halfway through the week we made Friends with a couple from a town about 20 mils from here, on our last night the OH said we were going there in a few weeks to a wedding, how strange they said we are going to a wedding the same day, tongue in cheek i said would it not be strange if we appeared at the same wedding, after a bit more conversation it turned out we were, and have been friends ever since
This thread is fascinating, quite a few years ago when we were on hol in Cornwall we got friendly with a family, our boys played with their boys that sort of thing, but we went our seperate ways at the end apart from the usual xmas card thing, then about 4 months later me & hubby went without our kids for a winter break to Gran Canaria and when sitting on the beach one day we were aware of this kid crying for ages, then all of a sudden we heard the mothers voice shouting his name, we turned our heads and couldn't beleive it was the same family we had met that summer in cornwall
(Dave & Jo) at the same accommodation & they live about 5 miles away from us !
What are the odds ?
Some years ago I was in the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney and got talking to a lady. She asked where I came from and I said Essex and she said she used to live there. To cut a long story short it turned out that many years previously, when she was a little girl, her parents had bought the house which I had been brought up in in Lyndhurst Gardens, Barking! She recognised the names of all the old neighbours. She herself didn't even live in Sydney but in Perth and had been staying with her daughter!
Couple of years ago in France bumping into the family of one of the girls in my teaching group at school. The dad came up to talk to me about an attraction we had just visited. We didn't know each other and chatted for a while. Then his wife came over with their daughter and we realised we knew each other.
i'm with chivas on this one
We always seem to meet someone we know when on holiday. From a visit to Edinburgh Zoo where we met two families we knew to bumping into an old friend I hadn't seen for years in MacDonalds in Palma. Been sat beside daughters' school teacher beside the pool at Sol Antillas in Magaluf and bumped into one of our Managers' from work at the mini golf (Fantasia?) in Palma Nova. Whilst at Port Aventura we met loads of families we knew and met a work colleague in Barcelona. It's a small world. Dread it when they say we'll have to meet up for a drink though.
One day I was with one of my friends in a supermarket. The chap on the till started chatting to me because I was English. He said "where in England are you from?" I said "Tunbridge Wells" to which he replied "me too". My friend said "See, I told you". It appears the chap was born and raised in England and had met someone on holiday there and decided to stay.

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