Came home on sunday from Antalya with Sun Express, never! Never again!We travelled from Glasgow and they would not accept Scottish currency, the pre-flight safety drill was a video but the explanation in English was largely unintelligible! The food was truly truly awful! take sandwiches!LOL!The price of a dram was I thought a bit on the expensive side, 8/10 YTL for a vodka I did not price the mixer £5 for a wee drinky? LOL!On the plus side and to be fair the flight was on time both ways although we did hear of a flight being 12 hours late the previous Tuesday. The seating did afford more leg room, and the seats comfy! The cost of duty free on the way home was excellent!Just for the record, we also paid for meals and the extra luggage allowance!for anyone interested, the meal consisted of the following:
sweetcorn and kidney beans, (cold)
a couple of pieces of cheese with pastaa/macaroni with 2 olives
1 dry roll
1 chocolate pudding which was ok. Think the aircraft was flying all over the place as it seemed to carry a change of crew, on the way out I sat next to a flight engineer, love turkey but next time I cook I won't be so gullable!
Alistair and Helen