Day 3 - First day of Cairo trip
On advise of the holiday rep we asked the hotel for a lunchbox and refreshments for the six hours or so trip to Cairo from Nuweiba. The airconditioned luxurious coach picked us up at 4AM on the dot - exactly as was agreed. Yet another bit of perfect service from Longwood :tup.
The long journey to Cairo was broken up by a 30 minute or so stop prior to the entrance the Suez Canal tunnel. We had the breakfast that was provided by Swisscare. The 52 seater bus had only 28 passengers on, so there was ample space to crash out and have a little nap, made even more comfortable with the pillows we took out of our rooms.
Cairo was soon in our sights. Our first and only stop for the day was the Egyptian Museum (no pictures and cameras allowed inside). We were joined by an Egyptiologist who not only was very entertaining but very knowledgeable about Egypt and its rich history. We spend about 3 hours in the museum and took in a wealth of information on the history of the country and in preparation of the visit to the Pyramids the following day.
The night was spent in the 5 star Sofitel hotel overlooking the pyramids. A buffet dinner which was of a good standard was included in the price of the trip.
The evening was rounded off with some drinks in the bar. Prices were more dearer than the Swisscare which only shows the excellent deal you have when staying there.
Day 4 - Second day of Cairo trip
The day started off with a buffet breakfast at the Sofitel (included in the price of the trip) and bang on the agreed time the bus set off for the 15 minute or so trip to the three Pyramids situated on the outskirts of Cairo.
The three Pyramids:
What struck us most was the size of these wonders. There were quite a few locals trying to sell their wares and services but some firm choice Arabic words saw them soon off. We were proud of this. We managed to not get the hassle others seem to have.... or so we thought.... a member of the tourist police with his mate offered to take a picture of the both of us in front of the pyramid. Thinking this would be "safe" we agreed and were quite surprised that he demanded a payment for this service. Just about to tell him to go forth, I spotted out of the corner of my eye that his mate was carrying a machine gun. Needless to say, money exchanged hands fairly quickly
The visit to the second pyramid enabled us to go inside and look at the coffin of the king buried in it. It was hot outside and I was looking forward to being in the cool of the pyramid. Well I thought wrong. It was like a sweatbox inside the pyramid, not helped by the fact that it took a great amount of physical effort to get inside
A 10 minute of so trip on the nice and cool bus brought us to the Sphynx.
The Sphynx guarding the pyramids:
Once again the Egyptiologist gave us a better understanding of the history behind these statues.
Lunchtime was approaching and just before having lunch (included in the price - buffet style and of acceptable quality) we were taken to a place selling Egyptian perfume. This was not planned on the itinerary and was nothing more than a sales pitch in order for us to purchase perfume.
After lunch we stopped off in the centre of Cairo for a visit to the local market. What an experience that was. Del Boy Trotter would have been proud of some of the English phrases used by some of the vendors
The group was to meet up at a cafe bordering the market and as we did the most comical scene greeted us. The cafe we were meeting at was in a line of about ten and a cat-fight between the staff of each cafe over the custom of our group began. It was comical in the sense that no fist were used, but a lot of pushing and shoving with very loud noises made us giggle.
The long journey back to Cairo was soon upon us. We were to stop at a supermarket first so we could buy refreshments. So in we pulled into a petrol station were some 5 other coaches were already parked up. Into the shop to buy two cans of coke, a family pack of crisps and a packet of biscuits. We were a bit surprised that none of the merchandise was priced and we soon found out why. At the "till" the boss seemed to make up his non negotiable prices. £ 9.00 he wanted for the items we bought. Just about to tell him to get stuffed, I noticed the missus already paying the stuff. Highway robbery at its best
The journey back to Nuweiba was long and tyring and we arrived back at about midnight greeted by the staff who left us some fresh sandwiches in the room.
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2007-07-10 13:06:51