my son's phoned me from Tenerife to say that he and his mate have had their wallets taken by pickpockets. They've cancelled their cards and I've told him to file a police report as he also had money in the wallet. How straightforward is it to claim for money loss on an insurance policy. After all there's no proof that the money was there to start with. Can anyone tell me what needs to be done please? thanks
I'm sure Mike or one of the other very clued-up people who give advice here will reply soon, but I do think one of the first things you need to do is check your son's policy to see if he's actually covered for theft of cash.
I am on MY policy but other policy types offered by the same insurer are not.
You also need to follow the policy's instructions on making a claim to avoid it being rejected.
For example, my policy says 'you must obtain a written police report within 24 hours of the discovery in the event of loss, burglary or theft of cash and/or documents'.
Good luck
I would suggest that they do contact the insurance company (if they have not yet done so) ASAP and report it. They will then advise of any other steps they need to take.
Bit late in the day when you get back if they ask a question that needs answering in resort when you get home.
Am sorry to hear about this Shirley at least they are ok. My son's friend travelled recently to Tenerife on his own and was mugged, he wasn't beaten up thank goodness but approached in the street after dark. I was absolutely furious and really felt for the lad.

please be very sure they get a police report. I lost my camera in Rhodes in May and to get a police report would have meant me being too late for my flight. My claim was refused despite the fact I'd have had to claim for my lost flight to get the report. I hope the boys are okay?
Thanks for the replies. The main thing is that they're o.k. When I heard his voice on the phone that early in the morning I feared an accident etc etc. I've told him to get a police report so I hope he'll get some speedy co-operation. I'll try and contact the insurance company on his behalf to see exactly what he needs. Thanks again.
Your son may need to ask his holiday rep to accompany him to the police station to get the police report.
Sometimes you have to make an appointment and almost always, they will say the do not speak English.
But, he will definitely need a police report otherwise his insurance company will not entertain his claim and it's impossible to get a police report after he returns back to UK.
Best wishes
unauthorised signature removed

I know this is a little bit different, but after sister and family's apartment was broken into last year in Majorca, the insurance company wanted proof of everything: police report, and receipts for absolutely everything, she had £300 stolen (in £), but because she could not prove she had taken it out of the bank, she could not claim that back (it was actually given to her by the 2 olders kids for board money - for the month - which they had given her before she went away), she never had receipts either for jewellery, and a number of other items. The scum bags had stolen over £1,000 worth of goods, and money (Even hubbies clothes - he only had the clothes he was standing in left!), she only managed to claim about £400 back!
So it pays to keep receipts for everything! - I do now!
Regards, BBB
Call 902102112
Make the report over the phone (ask for a translator) they will issue you with a reference number. They have an english speaking department and helpful.
Visit the police station at the back of Playa de Las Americas next to the courts / BP garage and recieve the report. You will have to wait for anything between 10 minutes and 6 hours for the report, as the police station is always heaving with illegal immigrants, and other people picking up crime references (lots of thefts in tenerife!)
The police will not do the report over the counter. The insurance company will need the police report in order to start a claim.
Before my son realised that his insurance didn't cover him he tried to obtain a police report. Firstly he went to the police station in PDLA immediately- about 6.30am. where he says he didn't get much sense

The frightening thing is that the wallet was in the front pocket of his jeans and the pickpocket still managed to get hold of it.
The frightening thing is that the wallet was in the front pocket of his jeans and the pickpocket still managed to get hold of it.
I approved a review last night from someone in Salou who had their bum-bag pick-pocketed which was under a T shirt. They said it's when you're somewhere crowded and jostled.

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