Stop whinging,

nobody has smoked on a plane for around 17 years and incidents of "air rage" are more likely to be alcohol related than nicotine withdrawal.
You think you are healthier on a plane,? well when smoking was allowed, the air was circulated ten times per hour, now the air is circulated three times an hour...which saves fuel but gives everybody the chance to breathe in every obnoxious body odour, perfume and a cocktail of virus's.
Smokers can accept for safety reasons and being in a confined space the need to ban in a plane.....we just got on with it.
You're more addicted to the cause than smokers are to the weed,

but I guess when you are leaving your carbon footprint in the air miles you clock up and driving away in the 4x4 spewing out pollutants, it doesn't matter.?
I personally detest having to smell a fat, beer stinking indivdual and the sooner alcohol is banned from being sold in airports....the better.
and to get back on topic....
Just for the record, in the past, the only people who have held up a plane are the drinkers, but did we smokers complain.?
Urmmm...what goes around, comes around.