Hi elisha and paul, Can't tell you the price of cigs in Golden Sands but the supermarkets in Varna sell 200 Marlbro for 32 leva., hope that gives you an idea. The weather has cooled down the last 2 days and there has been rain in various parts yesterday and today, I am just outside of Varna and only had ordinary rain... but there was a massive eletrical storm over Varna last night and more inland, it looked amazing, apparently it is supposed to warm up after tomorrow but not like it was 2 weeks ago, but should be 30-35 degrees it will probably still feel warm to you at todays temperature but I have become used to the heat although am putting on stiff upper lip and wearing t-shirt and shorts, seriously I am not cold but have noticed the difference. There is no way of really knowing what the weather will be but the rain is desperately needed here and it will be warmer than the uk... Nels