Help... Got home from Sharm last night.
We did the sharm-Luxor trip wed, thurs I started been ill. I got some tablet from the chemist thurs green & yellow ones and it still hasn't cleared up. My Oh had it the 1st week we were out there and it lasted 2 days and he's fine now.
My common sense is saying go to the Dr's but not sure what they can do or if this normal having not been to Egypt before any help would be useful.
I feel quite faint and I feel like I have just stepped off a boat swaying. I'm keeping my fluids up and have eaten a minium each day.
Certainly isn't 'normal' after a trip to Egypt. Bit of tummy trouble maybe, just due to different diet, weather etc, but not feely faint and dizzy. Could be a genuine infection that needs treating.
Thanks. I'm going to head to the chemist later and if still same tomorrow I'll go to the Dr's.
go to the doctors i had the same bug last year had to have antiboctics ,i was ok this year hope your feel better soon
Thanks. Just got back from the Chemist told me to let nature take its cause. I have some re-hydration sachets and a dinner of soup & bread to look forward to if still feeling off tomorrow will call DR's
I had prolonged problems once after a trip to Tunisia and after the second visit to my GP a sample was taken to rule out any serious issues.
EDIT: Sorry should read mint tea with HONEY AND LEMON!

Went to the drs as last night I started with flu type symptons. Told me to take immodium and keep fluids up eat as normal as I can. Sent me away with 2 sample pots to go back with tomorrow.
Whooshy lightheadedness, cramps, malaise, thrupenny-bits, etc etc
Ive got Giardia Lamblia and have not got some tablets the size of dinner plates

Contracted through water
Sounds awful, Lion
Ive got Giardia Lamblia and have not got some tablets the size of dinner plates
Well, what have you got then?

Trust you to pick that up
Got my results from the Dr's today I have a parasite and have been signed off work for 2wks as its possible its still contagious. I'm not happy and not sure if I should be informing thomsons just incase it did coem from the hotel. I have no proof though as it could be water or the pool or even food related.

What hotel did you stay in ?
Hope your better soon
Take Care Marion x
Reef oasis blue bay.

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