Well i've just returned from a week at this resort.
i was looking forward to it as i'd heard so much about the costa del sol.
I stayed in the jupiter complex which is at the back end of the resort. And up a very steep hill. The pool are is lovely and the grounds are immaculate. The complex is looking tired and dated.
Outside the complex is a car park which had cars on bricks with no wheels on them. people park camper vans on the car park and live in them. And the rubbish bins are straight outside reception. They are only emptied 3 times a week. So the smell from them is nasty.
There was grafitti over the walls, and shops and bars with boarded up windows.
The promenade and marina are lovely there are some lovely bars and restaurants here.
Now this is what made me sick on this holiday.
We had to walk down a steep hill to get to the beach (no problem) but the streets are littered with DOG MESS.
honest you had to watch every step you took.
We even watched locals letting there dogs mess the streets and just walk on.
My thoughts on the resort past the promenade is that it is dirty, scruffy and full of dog mess.
Would i visit again never.
Thanks for that insight. We were debating whether to book Benalmadena or Torremolinos for easter. Given that we don't know the area we'd better play safe and go for Torremolinas. I'd hate to book anywhere near to where you described. Your post came just in time for us. Thanks again!
Have to agree with you here, I personally don't like Benalmadena apart from Paloma Park and we didn't even bother visiting that this time (coming home tomorrow).
The dog mess is the same in Torremolinos when you get into the residential areas and it makes me sick as well, why people want a dog in an apartment baffles me.

The owners should be fined and have their faces rubbed in it...you cant blame the dogs.

I found Torremolinos to be pretty bad for dog mess, walking from the Don Pacquito to the town centre.
It was 35 degrees here today and I've seen a couple with a husky type dog parading up and down the promenade, this dog was seriously suffering in the heat and then they go into a shoe box sized apartment

It's just their mentality

Yesterday at the Romeria, you had cow, bull, horse and dog

Actually the bins in the Jupiter complex and all other areas round about are emptied twice a day
Actually the bins in the Jupiter complex and all other areas round about are emptied twice a day
The bins at the jupiter complex were not emptied twice a day, when i was there. And the 2 blue plastic chairs which were thrown down from a height were there for over a week, in the car park.
And that was only last week.
neither was the camper van with squatters in removed
nor the cars which are up on bricks with no wheels and windscreens smashed moved.
But then that is your point of view Linda, and one i would expect you to have, when you work for a letting agent for apts in and around the area that i have described including the jupiter complex.
the pavements around the complex and up and down and you have to watch your footing in and around this area.
But the marina is beautiful and the park is lovely, also up by the ruptured duck is beautiful spanish houses.
Actually i dont work for a letting agency i live here and i can assure you the bins are emptied daily just one car on bricks in car park saw it again today i agree the dog poo is a disgrace but lots of people on here are painting a picture of some dirty run down place why is is so many people come back year after year for their holidays if its as bad as you say
and is a member of
As there is a linda on there, and she has the same e-mail as you, and the same date of birth as you.
Well that isn't what the owner of Johnnie Rays told us when we was talking to him, about the state of the area.
I don't have a problem with anyone liking the area, but for the life of me i can't see why people return to this area. There are much nicer parts of Benalmadena to visit.
The area is run down, a lot of bars are shut up, the streets are a mess with dog mess. The litter bins in the car park stink. The pavements are uneven.
It isn't just me that thinks this about the area, read the reviews on the resort page about Benalmadena.
So now you say the bins are emptied daily, earlier on it was twice a day. Well when i was there they were not emptied daily.
Only 1 car in the car park is enough.
Are the camper vans still there with the squatters still in them. Cause the Brian the lucky lucky lad said that they'd been there for ages.
I'm glad you agree about the dog poo being a disgrace and why anyone should want to return to an area to do an assault course to get to the beach because of this mess, beats the hell out of me.
maybe the people return year after year beacuse like our neighbours in the jupiter complex, they sit on there balcony every night, go round the pool every day. And the only part of Benalmadena they see if when they go over the car park to the supermarket.
The bar owners that we spoke to on Bonanza square all said that tourism is down this year. And that takings have been really bad. The majority of them agreed that it was to do with the state of the surrounding area.
The lady in Blazing sadles which has now not got bingo on, because the police have stopped it because of the neighbours complaining, told us that the authourities want Benalmadena to be for residents only.
Well for me i say go for it let the residents by step there own dog mess.
I only wish i'd taken my camera with me, as i could have taken photos to back up my case as i usually do.
tut tut you are in a stew arnt you take it you wont be coming back then and yes i am benalets but not an agency just clean a few apartmwents for friends who let them out via benalets website proper detective arnt you
tut tut you are in a stew arnt you
No, about what.
take it you wont be coming back then
As i stated originally NO
just clean a few apartmwents for friends who let them out via benalets
So to be honest then you would have a baised view of the area, because if people stopped coming to the area you would have no job.
proper detective arnt you
Not really i just did a lot of research on the area before i went, and the same name crops up on different message boards, thats all. Dont' have to be a detective to work that out.
I came back from my visit and i gave a honest review of the area.
Can you honestly say that you give an honest review of the area, when you live there and your livelyhood is in the area.
Ladies please We have no wish to lock this topic but if it continues in the same vien it will be locked. As is obvious to all who have read the posts you have made your opinions known to members and it helps no one to get involved in an argument over the difference of those opinions.
My opinion is that it was average for a week long visit , you have a fantastic park a very short walk away with a lot of wildlife and there is plenty to do in Benalmadena and some great beaches. If you intend to spend a week sat in a hotel or an apartment then you may want something a bit more luxurious
We have never returned to the same holiday resort twice, but we will be going back to the Jupiter again next year for certain. We just loved it.
Yes i can the dog dirt is a menace but the rest of the place i love wouldnt have lived here for 10 years if not would have gone back to UK
and i dont rely on cleaning a few apartments for my living its a bonus to go out and enjoy the many great Spanish restaurants there are round about
I personally don't think Benalmadena is all that bad at all but I think the same people maybe joining under different names.
Sorry if I'm wrong, must be getting cynical in my old age (31)
I'm getting suspicious, a new member joins today who happens to have also stayed at the Jupiter and is raving about it and highlighting all Benalmadena's attractions.
Well i to did think that.
I didn't actually slate Benalmadena if you look at my original post i did say.
The promenade and marina are lovely there are some lovely bars and restaurants here
I wish that i had stayed at the marina area, then my review of the resort would have been totally different. Because i probably wouldn't have come into contact with any of the bins, cars on wheels and dog mess that i have gone about.
I did actually call the surrounding area. And i still stick to my original post on this.
If you also read my review of the apt on the hotel review site i did say that the pool and gardens of the jupiter complex are lovely.
I'm just not overly keen on the coments made by people who live in the area, and work in the complex.
As i think that they tend to give a biased view of the area.
I'll wait for another comment from another newbie.
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