Overall it was a good advertisement for Benidorm I thought.
Yes I agree too.
I remembered to watch it and I'm very glad I did, I tend not to watch these types of programmes, they annoy me intensely when they don't give an unbiased view or they focus on one area and flog the issue to death.
Oh my, for once I see a programme that is unbiased and paints a true version of the whole town"¦.
It made a refreshing change to have all sides of the town given "air time", instead of focussing on one little part, IE: "the square" which can easily be avoided if it doesn't float your boat.
I do wish people would stop saying Benidorm has 2 beaches,

it doesn't, it has 3 beaches"¦.Levante, Poniente and the little beach called Mal Pas between the two main ones"¦.a minor point, but if you're going do it, then do it right.!
I should image the Mayor of Benidorm is also pleased with the programme, if he watched it.