Hi, We are off to Dominican on 13th December, just for a week, staying at the Gran Bahia Principe Punta Cana. Never been to the Dominican before so have some questions!
Travel adapter plugs, do they need to be voltage converter type also or just pin adapter type?
Money, what is the best currency to take and is cash better than travellers cheques?
Weather, does it cool off in the evenings or does it stay warm day and night? Also is it quite windy? (we have been to Cuba and found it windy most of the time).
Excursions, what trips can we take from this area and what sort of prices are they?
Snorkelling/diving, can we do this from this hotel/ beach?
I think thats about it for now, thanks in advance for any help and advice, plus if you have anything else to add that you think might be useful please feel free!
Katie x
In case you haven't seen them we have reviews http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/reviews/caribbean/dominican-republic/punta-cana/gran-bahia-principe-punta-cana-hotel/
While you're waiting for others to reply do try a search as you'll find most of what you need to know in existing topics


firstly me and my hubby love the dominican republic we're off again next week for the 4th time. we go twice a year.
ok travel adapters the dom rep uses two pin sockets and you don't need voltage converters. we take us dollars when we go we don't take travellers cheques. we've never been in december we go in may and november and the weather is very much the same for both months. make sure you take plenty of sunblock i'm dark skinned and this is the only place i've ever had sunburn!!! take plenty of insect repellant and the best cream for any bites is hydrocortisone which you can get at your local pharmacy. your excursions can be booked through the hotel or your holiday rep we've never been on any trips in punta cana only done trips in the north puerto plata but booked ours through our rep. make sure you take all your medical supplies etc as this is very expensive if you buy it out there. i'm sure you will have a fantastic time the dominican people are wonderful if there's anymore you want to know then i'm happy to help
have a great holiday
louise x
Re the adapter plugs, thats great as i have that type so dont need to buy more... phew!
Do most people just take dollars? No pesos at all?
We only took cash to Cuba with us and although i was worried sometimes carrying it with us it was much easier!
I am well stocked up on SPF 50, 30 & 15, i dont burn normally just get a nice tan but learned a hard (and painful) lesson in Cuba about the carribean sun!
I have some tropical/jungle strengh insect repellent, its the jungle formula brand, but found that i still got bitten with this on in Cuba, however the other half didnt get a single bite, i must taste better!
Something else that i have thought of is the small gifts that i am taking for the locals, so far i have bought LOADS of pens, pencils, notepads, rubbers, rulers etc. Also went to tesco in their summer sale and bought a dozen kids t-shirts, vest tops, sun hats etc for no more than 75p per item! Ranging in age from 18mnths through to 8 yrs. What else do the locals need and like to receive?? Any help on that score would be good.
In the hotel at the bar and so on what sort of tip is the norm?
Im really looking forward to this holiday, the reports on here are great!
Thanks again
Katie. x
louise x
Can i just ask to clarify, do you mean that it is not possible to buy DR Pesos in this country at all?? Reading through some other threads people have spoken about taking them with them.......??
You can buy pesos in the UK. We take both dollars and pesos. Dollars to tip and pesos to use in the hotel shop usually just to buy the paper! (they don't take dollars in the hotel shop).
We have stayed in the Iberostar Costa Dorada in the north and Iberostar Dominicana in Punta Cana. Loved both. We preferred the north, purely because it seemed a bit more relaxed. However the beaches in Punta Cana/Bavaro are fabulous! Enjoy!!
I am going to DR at the end of January for a week and staying in Grand Bahia Punta Cana

It is my mums 50th birthday and my sisters 24th and we are going to have a girlie holiday

I will be very grateful if you can leave a review of this place after you get back.
have a great holiday!
We walked past it several times whilst walking up and down the beautiful beach and it did look great though it had tight security so we couldn't look for too long!!
Just three weeks and two days to go, well excited!
Received our tickets yesterday.
Was surprised to find that our visa wasnt included, we went to cuba with first choice in april and the visa for there was included we just had to fill it in and take it with us, just assumed it would be the same with the dominican. Do we have to get it before we go or can we get the visa on arrival?
Zabka - Yes i will leave a report on our return!
Thanks again.

you will be given a form to fill in on the plane you pay for your visa upon arrival and then pay again upon departing is $20 pp on arrival and $10pp departing. you must have it in usd too not english money.
Watch the amount of coconut milk you have in drinks its a natural laxative and be very particular in hand washing just in case those that didn't leave anything behind, germs breed very quickly in the tropics.

If you like a decent cuppa take some tea bags, theres taste like pond water.

Save a bottle each to fill for the airport on your return, drinks are usually expensive there.
I love the DR, have a great time.
How was your holiday in Punta Cana. Only 4 weeks to go and I'd love to hear from somebody who had the same holiday as we are going to. We are flying First Choice and staying 7 nights in Gran Bahia PC

Did you still have to pay the departure tax?
Enjoy your holiday, any questions just let me know, my internet access is erratic at the moment with moving though!
You mentioned the Gran Bahia Principe Punta Cana, we have booked to go there in July, just wondering if they stop serving alcohol at a particular time? It is AI 24hours but sometimes there are restrictions with alcoholic beverages,. Anyone who has been & could help me please?

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