if you are using an agent to get your visas, i suggest you phone them first. your travelshop.com no longer do it owing to the commissions restarting postal applications today 5th nov.
We go on 24th November, so there is still a bit of time, I am just worried in case I have made a mistake on the application or they make a mistake on the name on the visa. Just checked the mail tracker and its not in the post tonight, will be ringing them again tomorrow.
Good news. OH had a phone call this morning to say that our visas are in the post. I will only celebrate when I get them in my hand though. Hope yours are on their way to you too Sleep r us.
Polly. I'm afraid not, rung them again today and they are still with the consulate well thats what they are saying its a different story every time i ring them.
Just got back from the local curry house and checked our passports are in the Royal Mail system, due to be delivered tomorrow. Another glass or two of something coming on here.!!!!! So sorry Sleep R Us!
Miccie. I am at work until 1.30, so I am expecting a card on the doormat and a trip to the Post Office to collect them this afternoon. I just can't wait till I have them in my hands.
Hi polly & anyone else that are waiting for there visas i have everything crossed for you all that they arrive very soon, it must be awful for you,
I have sent mine to birmingham on saturday so fingers crossed that they process them quickly.
GMT, as a lot of the agents are no longer taking applications for visas,(because the commisions have reinstated postal applicatios) i think it would be worth checking with who you have sent them to, just to make sure they are getting the ones already recieved processed.