Could any kind sole tell me of a good place in Baga to have my Eyebrows threaded?
Usually have mine waxed, but after having them threaded last year at the Phoenix Park, won't wax again.
Thanking you
Every hair saloon does this, the locals pay about 4 rps for it, it depends on the price you get them down to .
Paid 80 rupees last year, maybe expensive by Goan standards but compared to £10.00 over hear for waxing, thought it very good and it lasted a lot longer than waxing.
I paid 50 rps last year in a small salon just behind Baga beach, near custers , much better than the £15 I pay here in Selfridges!
Thanks Shirley
What the hell is "eyebrow threading"
EYEBROW PLUCKING where have you been? I thought every one knew about it.
Thanks tomitma, i'll give it a miss and leave it to you women

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