Hmm - We are meant to be flying Monarch Premium - no note on ticket.
Hmm - Ticket shows 20Kg baggage allowance - it should be 30Kg.
Hmm - The pamphlet from Cosmos - 'It's all here... in your holiday travel guide', clearly states:
".......You will be charged excess fees if you exceed the amount on your ticket" (Page 7 Luggage).
OK - phone Customer Services then.........
Response - "Don't worry what's on the ticket - you're in Premium and get the extra allowance".
HELP please - is this normal when booking Monarch premium cabin through Cosmos - or is there something I should realise, am I being had?
Advice / comments from someone who has recently had Cosmos / Monarch Premium tickets please...
I am unable to find any reference in any section of the forum regarding this 'feature'
Have tried Cosmos e-mail - shown on the website, but got a message that my e-mail was refused. Tried their fax number several times but it seems to be always 'engaged'.
e-mail address: "Rule imposed mailbox access for refused "
** Update 08:45 - have managed to get a fax through on another number **
I await their response - now almost mid-day
