I can imagine the slight inconvenience. A whole four hours with no food!

A complaint to the airline and then vote with your feet. Every empty seat costs them more than a sandwich.... or perhaps I am being over simplistic

Apparently there were not enough meals for everybody and my Wife and Daughter missed out along with several other people.
Our members will be able to offer you advice on how best to deal with your holiday complaints and how to deal with the Tour Operators. However please remember that this will be non qualified advice. We therefore suggest you seek professional assistance from someone qualified in Travel Law.
We have teamed up with Ros Fernihough, Travel Law Solicitor, to provide the best information available.
Ros has offered our members free impartial legal advice. Please note that Ros does not read or post on this board any contact to her must be made via :-
Tel :- 01922 621114
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You could just avoid charter flights, and it's not an issue.