Every time I login I tick the box.
When I return later I have to login again.
Can you fix. please,
So do i x
yes its the same for me too.....and everytime i come to the site without logging in...its showing the xmas theme. when i log-in it then changes to the normal screen.
Do you click logout when you leave the board or just close your window?
Have you used the clear all board cookies option before closing the window?
I personally just close the window.
at the moment i've ticked the box asking the site to "remember me" but it keeps forgetting me everytime.
not sure about this cookie thing. will have a little look for that.
I just rebooted my computer and opened IE and was straight away logged in.
i'm not too worried though.....i can live with it...so long as i can remember my password...its not the end of the world having to log in each time.
which isp are you using ?? i understand that on the old site we had problems with some of them [not sure about this one yet too new]
I have just tried with IE and come out and gone back in and I am still logged in.
I did said No when I was asked if I wanted Windows to remember me.
I'm using IE7..if thats any help.
i;ve just seen the ...clear all board cookies bit at the bottom of the forum and clicked on that but thats made no difference.
i've just realised that when i log on my computer is asking if it wants me to let it remember my log in details...i keep saying yes but when i go to log in it hasn't been remembered.
i always used this link to access the site..... http://holidayforums.co.uk/ but thats the one thats doesn't want to know me!!
i've also got this link..... http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/ and i'm fine on that one. woooo hoooo problem solved.
he he he...sorry about that..x
holidyforums was used when we had the server crash last year and is now sort of obsolete.

yes...i remember...i think thats why i had the two links.
I have just deleted holidayforums one and it seems OK now.
Thanks to all for contributing here as we appear to have found the reason for members not being able to remain logged in.
Brilliant!!! Thanks for solving it medot.
Thanks for this thread, was having the same problem but it seems to be sorted now

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