...even though i logged in everyday since xmas some threads are showing as having new posts going way back to the 20th of December!
I haven't cleared my history or the temp folder!
It's been like this for a week now?
I'm sure before you only had to visit the page once and then the next time you visited it only showed updated threads since your last visit?
Or am I wrong and it's always been like this?
SO once you have read All that interest you ..scroll to the top of the index page [just above last post] and click "Mark all post read" this will clear all remaining unread markers ready for your next visit
ok cheers
This is always how it was supposed to work. Prviously the information on read posts was stored on a cookie on a users pc. When the user logged out the information was sometimes lost...Or if you suffered a crash the information would be lost.
Under the new system, we store the information on our server. That way when you login all the information is still available.
Clicking "mark forums read" cleans our system and resets you to 0 new posts.....
When you log back in you only see new posts that have appeared since you clicked the "mark forums read" link.

And also, You can't use your browser's "Back" button after reading a post, you have to remember to click the link for the forum.

major advantage. Whenever an email comes in to alert me to a new post on a particular thread, my husband can't resist clicking on the link. He looks at that one post and then, contrary to my continued pleading/nagging
, closes HT. This used to drive me mad as the next time I logged in, the suns were only flashing on forums and posts which had been added to since he had been online. Everything prior to that had been automatically treated as "read" and effectively missed by me!
So as long as he doesn't get to hear about the "mark forums read" thingy, harmony should be restored in our house.
I'm in two minds about this. I certainly do forget to click "marks forums read" fairly often (something to do with my age, no doubt!) but for me this new system has one 

So as long as he doesn't get to hear about the "mark forums read" thingy, harmony should be restored in our house.

cyberspacekadette wrote:I preferred it the old way - sorry ModsOn this new system I'm always forgetting to "mark forums read", so when I come back later on it's a hassle having to trawl through stuff I've already seen.
And also, You can't use your browser's "Back" button after reading a post, you have to remember to click the link for the forum.
[/rant][/sulk] :|
I can use the Back button after reading a post. The only time I get a dead page is if I have just posted a message.
A good tip is to get used to clicking on the orange "page" immediately left of the topic title. This will take you directly to the first unread post in that topic.


click "First unread post" to take you straight to the first unread post in the topic.
Handy if you are on page one of a twenty page topic and want to get straight to what you haven't yet read.

I can use the Back button after reading a post. The only time I get a dead page is if I have just posted a message.
Nope, doesn't work for me - I get a dead page if I click "Back" after just reading a post.
I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually, but as a long-term member, old habits die hard

And I might be being a bit thick here

Mark Forum Read is on the first page (top right) of every forum. Mark ALL forums read is on the main index page of the site in the same place.
See Kath I told you I was being thick
Nah Marie - a learning curve for all of us (including Mods/Admin)

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