oh no what c r a p luck Judy . I dont think with easyjet there would be any point waiting for the price to come down as they are pretty fair about the earliest who book getting the best prices . I have never booked a flight with easyjet to find it go down , in fact somewhere in their terms and conditions its states if you find it cheaper on their web site within so many days they will refund the difference or maybe more. I believe they sell their flights in blocks of seats at a set price, so once one block has sold it moves up to the next block at a higher price and so on. you may get a sale where they typially offer £10 off per seat or a percentage but nothing like £500. are there no other days available at the good price or are you committed to that date.
They dont price in the erratic way that Ryanair do.
Unfortunately while you were thinking about it another 20 or 30 people may have booked, thus the price rise. Your only hope is possibly a sale but then you risk the fact that they may not have one on Cyprus flights and the price could go up to 1400. Its very difficult really.
Gosh Lyn we are posting together.

Edited by
2008-01-05 14:06:12
The situation is not so bad with flights outside the high season, although they are always cheapest on the day they are released.
I do hope you'll be able to put this behind you and find another carrier for your July flights. I don't think there's much chance that EasyJet's flights to Paphos in July will come down - even taking into account the odd sale, the only way is up!
doepsmc wrote:Gosh Lyn we are posting together.As I pressed submitt my screen went all 'wobbly'. What a b u m thing to happen to Judy. :(
This is a feature of the new software. If someone is posting at the same time as you and manages to post before you do, when you click Submit you will get a message telling you that there has bee at least one new post since you read the topic. You can then read that post and change your own post if appropriate, or just click Submit again.
Hope this makes sense.

I dithered about booking flights with thomsonfly for july from manchester to tenerife because I was waiting for the easyjet prices after their takeover from g.b.I decided to book with thompson after looking at other airlines and realising that thompson was the best option.Was I glad I did,I paid £400 for 2 which have now gone up by £40 and easyjet is nearly double that and not such good flight times.As someone on here advised me if you think its a good price after comparing other airlines well get it booked.
Another tip if the price has gone up, is to see if you can book one seat or maybe only two at the cheaper price, then you book the other at the higher price, somtimes there is one seat available and because everyone else is looking for two, they can't show different prices.

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