It is one of the most visited places in all of Spain and that's quite amazing when you think of all the cities, palaces, museums and other tourist attractions throughout Spain.
Guadalest is of Islamic origins and most of the villages in that area all start with "Beni".....EG: "Benimatell", "Benifató", "Benissa" ( there's loads more) and the famous Benidorm.
The village that I zoom in on, is Benimatell. "Beni" means "son of " in Arabic.
Embalse de Guadalest is the dam that was built between 1953 & 1964 and it supplies water to the surrounding area, including Benidorm"¦.It's massive and was an amazing sight with the sun shining on it, the video doesn't do it justice.
To get to the top of the fortress, you have to go through the restored house that was owned by the Orduña family and pay €3.50. The house is quite interesting with rooms showing how they lived and tapestries etc hung on the walls.
The tunnel ‘Portal de San José' is still today the only way into "upper" Guadalest.
At the top of the fortress is located the cemeteries and as you walk up, you pass little blue and white boxes, which are the "stations of the cross"
The view is spectacular, but by the time I got to the top, I felt like I was heading permanently for the cemetery and would need resurrecting.
