Hi Pandora, I run an animal charity here in the uk (
http://www.hwanimalrescue.org ) little plug Fiona, please remove if not appropriate.
I have visited Goa for the last 15 years and animal welfare has come on in leaps and bounds there. There are, of course, still stray dogs wandering but in the main the dogs you see do belong to people, they are cared for. Many are neutered, look for the nick in their ears, and most are sporting posh collars. A lot of the shacks have their resident dogs - you will usually find one shading themselves under the sunbeds.
The animal rescue in Goa is fantastic and puts many in the UK to shame. Their facilities are great,
well worth spending a day there, they always need dog walkers. They care for all sorts of animals, dogs, cats, cows, snakes etc.etc.
Go to Goa, have a fantastic holiday