April is a bit early for the med depending on how warm you want it.
£600 will not get you to the caribbean(not if you don't have a bit more for spends)
If you are not too bothered about what ports you visit then a transatlantic would be very good value but drinks etc will probably still take you over the £600. there are a couple of trips that would do 14n if you can find a cheap flight to NY or Miami.
For extra warmth you may find a canaries trips, I think the Thomsons red sea cruises have finished April.
For the thomsons Island and OV med cruises Teletext page227 is a good place to look.
for TXT on-line look here
You might want to consider bringing the date forward and looking over the easter break in March, April has the school hols in it so that will tend to push up prices for those weeks.
Thomsons celibration 21st march £520
Island escape 18/25march £460 + AI at £99 = £560 (april will be £50-£100 more)