Zahra wrote:
The hotel is definitely in Skanes, but agencies often use 'Sousse' as a bit of an umbrella for the resorts of PEK, Skanes and Sousse itself. You are aware hazm that December is not a good time of year weather-wise in Tunisia (not sure if you've ben before)? I only ask because I'm aware that agencies are marketing Tunisia as a wintersun destination when it's definitely not and people are (naturally) disappointed when they can't sunbathe or use the pools/beach etc. :)
Thanks for the info about agencies using sousse as a umbrella it helps make sense of invoice.
I have never been to Tunisia before, but im aware of the fact that the weather can be changeable and it can rain. I was in cyprus for new year and we got a mixture of weather over the two weeks If the weather is pleasant at times to sit out and catch some sun rays during the day, and with looking at a trip planner for weather wise dating back to 1997 you can do that which is fine by me

to be able to swim etc in outdoor pools , sea etc you need to go long-haul as even the canary islands the pools are freezing in winter ( went one nov)
Thanks for thinking of me and warning me about the weather (hug)