Hello all, if you have ever seen, Wish you were here, they are doing a new program called Wish you were here Now and Then. Looking back at years gone by and now, this Thursday on ITV at 4.30pm it is Malta. So you can see if it has changed at all in 30 years.
We went in 1986, there was only 1 set of traffic lights in Florriana. The rules on roundabouts then were, traffic on the roundabout gave way to traffic entering the roundabout, very confusing!! There was lots of 'waste land' that has since been excessively built up.
There were no such things as ATMs, you could only spend what you had taken with you in cash and travellers cheques................. This meant we survived the 2nd week on Maltese bread and soup for evening meals, wonderful!
Any more memories out there

His mum is Maltese (married his brit dad and lived here for years) and can remember the sea coming right up to the church in Msida and the American sailors walking around and giving her chewing gum.

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